Clovea Dominion (Domino Cloverfield)


Basic Info

Key Items

Golden Fox Charm, The Lovers, The Star (Reversed), Dia's Ring, MIdori's Charm, Eternal Serenade Perfume, Pisces Bracelet


Drefan's Blessing


Diamantina Dimitra "Domino" Cloverfield



28/March 7th (Pisces)

5ft 8in / 173cm

133lbs / 60kg

Cornish Rex Cat

Ariven Village, Reverie




One Lucky Lass

Soul Affiliation | God Bond

House of Divine Mysteries | Morgana, The Seer of the Unknown

“Luck doesn’t always favor those who favor luck.”

Domino fancies herself as a simple woman. A nice, postive attitude, kind but not a pushover, and a hardworker. She has a bit of a charm to her thanks to her easygoing demeanor and friendly nature. She’s not exactly a flirt but is more than willing to tease those who cross her path and give her a reason too. Her upbringing leads her to be quite polite and respectful in initial encounters, always saying “thank you” and “please” and “your welcomes.” Though, a “sorry” is a lot more rare. She likes taking chances but is more cautious about bigger gambles or bets. If she knows a game is one-sided, she’ll take the wound to her a pride and not participate. She’ll rather be called a coward than fight a losing or rigged battle.

That said, she tries to avoid direct conflict– but will stand her ground if it’s something she believes in, or if she just wants the opposition to be knocked down a peg. She tries to keep it under wraps, but she’s highly competitive. In her favorite past-time– games– and in business. This is where her presenting herself as “simple” starts to fall apart. Domino has a bit of a deceptive streak– she’s not exactly two-faced, but she knows when to play her cards or keep them close to her chest. She’s clever, oftentimes devious. By no means a genius, but smarter than what first impressions may suggest. She knows some people are untruthful, greedy, selfish, or just flat out rude. She tries not to play their game– instead, make them play hers… But success varies. She’s but a mortal afterall, and it’s easy to get emotional about things one cares about.

Stats & Spells

Strength +1

Dexterity +3

Magic +2

Armor Class (11)

Weapon Proficency

Spell Slots


  • Trying new food
  • Games / Gaming
  • Get-Togethers & Parties
  • New experiences


  • Casinos/High-Risk gambling
  • Schedules
  • Missing Meals
  • Extended solitude

Weapon of Choice & Armor

Crossbow | Leather Armor (+1 to AC)

Spell 1 "Four-Leaf Clover"

Grand Palace of Astral Harmony. A supportive spell. The user forms an arcane four-leaf clover in their palm. Once a turn, they can pluck a leaf and provide either themself or an ally Good Luck for their next move. Due to this, this can only used four (4) times. Once those leaves are used up, this spell is unusable for the rest of the day.

Spell 2 "Horseshoe Boomerang"

House of Divine Mysteries. An offensive spell. The user materializes a horseshoe of psionic energy that can be thrown as an attack or distraction. On a success [base], it hits. On an exceeding success [over base], it hits twice (2). On a critical success [nat 12], it hits three (3) times. On a critical failure [nat 1 or opponents nat 12] the attack goes back and hits the user. Regular failures just cause the horseshoe to miss its target.

Ex: If she rolls a 10 on hit, an opposing 9 will cause the spell to hit once. And 8 or below will cause it to hit twice. An opposing Nat 1 or the user’s Nat 12 will cause if to hit three times. Naturally, 10 or above means it fails.

Spell 3 "Written in the Stars"

Grand Palace of Astral Harmony. A utility spell. The user calls upon the stars to have fate be at their side. The user can only use this spell two (2) times a day– once (1) for a guaranteed success for themselves, and once (1) for a guaranteed failure against an opponent. This cannot stack with any of the user's other spells. Additionally, this spell is not stealthy– a twinkling star appears overhead of the user once it’s used, but lasts only a second.


Content Warnings

None applicable!


Diamantina Dimitra Cloverfield was, to be blunt, an accident. Her parents moved from Corona City to Ariven Village as a sort of early retirement, only for Diamantina’s mother to become pregnant a few months after settling in. Despite initially having no desire to be parents and believing themselves unfit for the job, they decided to give parenting a go.

Every time Domino hears this story she counts her lucky stars she turned out as good as she did.

The Domino nickname came to be as the family were fond of making every night game night and, as far as games went, her early favorite was dominos. It has since shifted to card games, but the nickname stuck thanks to her parents passing it off to her friends who passed in off to what feels like the whole village.

Her early life was rather peaceful. Her parents never talked about their parents and only vaguely alluded to their adventures living in the city. Domino herself got into a healthy amount of trouble but never something too seriously or life-ruining. She wanted to have fun, not rob herself of a future, and her easy-going parents made life flexible and fun. They knew when to put their foot down for their daughter, but allowed her to make her own mistakes and enjoy some independence. They only stepped in when something was dangerous or her fun would cause misery for someone else, which was thankfully a scarcely few times.

Though, Domino was largely aimless because of this. She tried a multitude of things but could never settle on what she really wanted to do. She loved games and, for a brief time, did try to be a “professional” at it– but such a life was too stressful for what was, in truth, just a hobby. Her favorite one that has defined her life up to that point, but one nonetheless. So she went back to a drawing board, trying different studies and jobs, until it came to her one evening.

Well, in truth, her dad was making a joke about how she seems to make a new batch of cookies every month, but it was nonetheless an epiphany. Domino loved baking. Hell, she loved food. Part of the reason she kept loving game night is everyone also brought their own snacks or treat, and oftentimes made their own. It made things all the more fun. So, she thought, why not keep the fun and start a career while she’s at it?

She applied to work at the few local bakeries and eventually found a good fit. She became a natural in no time, and started to build a good relationship with her coworkers. Unfortunately, Domino failed to realize business could get quite ugly at times. While it was usually in good fun, the rival shops were nonetheless rivals and would gladly snatch up work and take advantage of mistakes. Domino’s competitive streak often got the better of her, to their benefit and detriment depending on the week.

Domino worked and worked and worked. She rarely took breaks and kept telling herself she’s doing it because she loved it. She did, in fact, love it. But she grew tired of the pettiness, annoyed at the rude tourists, and bored of the same stories from the regularies. Her co-workers came and went, came and went. Before she knew it, she saw her work anniversary coming up. Her ninth one.

What? Ninth? Already? She couldn’t believe it. Where did the time go? Was she really working the same job for nine years? Sure she celebrated birthdays and other anniversaries, but she never really considered she was there for that long. She did enjoy it, bad days and cursed customers be damned, but she suddenly became all to aware how much time has passed, and not for the better.

Was she unhappy? Not really, but she has been longing for more. Her own place. A change of scenery. New people, places, experiences– She remembered she did not just want to work at a bakery. She wanted to own her own business.

Domino, gradually, started making plans. She wanted to move to Corona City and start her own life. She couldn’t keep it a secret for long, but it was no matter. Her friends and family supported her and, while her work were sad to see her go, understood completely. She did enough for them. It was time for her to do something for herself.

Though, after working in the same business at the same place for several years, Domino knew she’d need more than just experience to start one her own. Running a show is very different than participating in one. So, her first mission is to settle into her new place. After that… She’ll go on a new adventure. No matter what it may hold.


  • She prefers tabletop over video games, and card games over board games. At the end of the day, though, she’ll play anything that’s safe and fun. Drinking games are only with the appropriate parties and never on worknights. She’s also not against sports.
  • She has a very noticeable southern accent and will often call people “honey”, “sweetie”, “dear”, etc.
  • Domino and her parents never subscribed themselves on any one of the Pantheon’s Houses, but Domino specifically has a fondness for the Grand Palace of Astral Harmony and House of Divine Mysteries. Though, she respects all the Gods and the work they do.
  • Domino believes her parents were scammers that escaped Corona City when they were close to getting caught but they have yet to confirm or deny these claims. Their names are Karma (mom) and Felix (dad) but changed their last name after they moved to Ariven Village.
  • She’ll usually introduce herself as Domino Cloverfield because she thinks Domino is less embarrassing than Diamantina, but nonetheless consider both embarassing. Her parents (and some childhood friends) occasionally called her Dia or Tina. Out of the two, she prefers Tina.
  • Her weight fluctuates often. Do not ask her about her weight.
  • Her favorite color is Green. The flower she's most associated with is. Hydrangea/Hortensia The stone she's most associated with is Jade.
  • Bisexual, but not currently interested in dating.
  • Voiceclaim is Cherami Leigh.

Name Meaning

Diamantina means “diamond” and is Greek. Dimitra is the modem Greek form of Demeter and means “earth mother.” Cloverfield brings to mind a field of clovers– a common plant that can be associated with good luck. Domino is a nickname she earned during childhood that stuck due to her early love of playing dominos, both by her and whatever games that could be cooked up with them. Clovea Fields is an alias she used during her brief stint in professional gaming and gambling. She’ll still use Clovea is she needs a fake alias for no particular reason.



Domino's mother, free-spirited and cheerful. Supposedly has a criminal past, but she never lets it slip.


Domino's father, more down to earth and easy-going. Domino once guessed he was a scammer and it freaked him out more than a little bit. Despite that, he's very supportive of his precious gem.


Domino's Grandfather she never met. She's heard his first name a few times and he apparently visited the house after curfew when she (was supposed to be) asleep. Her mom describes him as headstrong yet caring. Despite, supposedly, never meeting her-- he's (apparently) very protective of Domino.