Lotte's Comments

hiii! i couldn’t seem to find anything on your profile for this, but are you taking pings for when offers are open at all? lotte is a long time dreamie of mine so i’ve tried to be brave enough to ask for a ping lolll 

Yeah no worries! I can do pings if she ever goes up for offers

oh sweet! thank you so much 🤎

Are they still available??

No they aren’t! sorry :’) she’s pending ! 

If I’m being annoying at this point let me know!

If the previous offer falls through

I can still offer this maws design

And can drop $100 on the 13th and the remaining $50 the next week

OR if you prefer full value I can do a payment plan over 3 weeks.

$100 on the 13th

$100 on the 20th

And the remaining $50 on the 27th

hey! i’ll keep this in mind :) (wanted to respond so you don’t feel ignored) 

i’ll have a 100% answer for you after friday ! 

Oki doki! Tysm!

I hate doing this but I won’t have the first $100 due to some emergencies I’m dealing with atm.

I will try to scrounge up the money as soon as I can, but I may not have it til next Wednesday 

No worries ! things happen ❤️

Actually their voucher will be sent later today! tysm for your interest! you take care of yourself tho ❤️ Put you first always! 

Oki doki! Thanks for the heads up. If for any reason it doesn’t work out I’ll do what I can to save up for them!

I could do her full worth on 9/8!

I’ll take this :’) thank you so much! just lmk when you’re ready to pay! 

Hey! checking in <33