phemos kesahr



2 years, 4 months ago


"i feel like im dying!!!"

Basic info


Cerulean (Imperial Blue #20278F)

AGE 10.15 sweeps (~22 human years)

trueblueSacrament [TS]


75142811_N7irzmD8vxFy1rG.png Scoriborn, Sign of the Dangerous

ABILITY Mind Control Vision Trifold

Phemos was the bearer of vision trifold before his blinding. It allowed him to control the minds and bodies of others as well as inject his own emotions into their psyches. It was a powerful gift that helped him not only protect himself but also served as a trait that made him feel useful to the church. Phemos credits his quick rise to head altar server to this ability, though that isn't entirely truthful. It gave him a greater purpose, as guilty as controlling others made him feel. He never felt right about using his ability and often had to be coaxed or coerced into doing so. His ability also expresses itself in more subtle ways, such as Phemos being more sensitive to or hyper-aware of emotional changes in other people and being more empthetic than others. His power involuntarily manifested most commonly when he felt particularly stressed or otherwise angry. One incident–a petty argument between him and Tratos that spiraled out of control–ended with him accidentally controlling half the now angry parish and forcing them to share his feelings of rage.

Following his blinding, instead of the cerulean blue his vision trifold usually manifested as it now appears as the same crimson his eye is.


The church follows the age-old tradition of having only boys and young men serve at the altar. Phemos, despite being one of the youngest, is head altar server. Altar servers are first and foremost assistants to the clergymen. They attend to a multitude of supporting tasks at the altar; such as carrying the incense and censer, presenting the bread and wine to the priest during preparation of the gifts, assisting the priest when he receives the gifts, and assisting in the washing of hands by the priest. They must also memorize the Mass and commit themselves to a regular schedule of service. As head altar server, he is also personally tasked with keeping the other servers in line, much to their dismay. Phemos is often the one to shoulder many of their responsibilities as well as his own and does so with little outward complaint, although he doesn't like it. Many of them aren't very fond of him, as he is constantly nitpicking and correcting their work. Their behavior is relfected on him and he is at fault for any sort of poor performance during Mass or sermon. He is used to this however, and knows when he must step in and smooth out any rough edges during the Divine Liturgy.

Much like Tratos, Phemos was groomed for this position. While it was not from birth, he was prepared for it from a young age. The previous priest made it very clear what Phemos's role was supposed to be in the church: serving Tratos.

STRIFE SPECIBUS Clubkind (Morning Star/Morgenstern)
HIVE A small and quaint two-story house with neighbors few and far in-between. It's quite cozy, tailored to his tastes, and decorated with personal items.
LUSUS Polyphemus Moth Syuan

Mothdad/baba (by younger Phemos) was a large Polyphemus moth. He was grumpy old thing, with a hard outer shell and serious disposition. He adorned large eye markings on his wings that were meant to imitate larger, more intimidating lusii and used them to protect Phemos and their hive. Despite his larger size, he was always fearful of other lusii, always aware and always on guard to the point of paranoia. He wanted the best for Phemos, for them to survive well into adulthood. In his mind, the only way to secure this was to keep Phemos just as afraid as he was of the outside world and often exaggerated the dangers and tragedies that would befall him if he were to leave. This, coupled with the fear-fueled outbursts directed at Phemos whenever he showed too much curiousity about the outside were enough to stir in him an agoraphobia. Mothdad had passed very early in Phemos's life, when he was just barely four sweeps (around eight years) old, for reasons that are still unknown to him now.

INTERESTS One of Phemos's biggest interest is Film, with his favorite hobby being watching movies. His favorites are thrillers full of multilayered symbolism that are open to interpretation. If he could, he’d spend days, months marathoning every movie he could think of. He adores being able to go back and catch the instances of foreshadowing and tends to obsess over body language and which lines the actors did and didn't say. He can name off his favorite actors and directors at the drop of a pin and makes a game of it. He also has a big interest in literature, though doesn't read as much as he used to. He always preferred the kind of fiction that romanticized the everyday life that he believes he somehow missed out on. He has a soft spot for romantic poetry too, especially the ones that made him question if he even loved someone at all. After he was blinded, his vision was greatly impaired and as such struggled to focus on the words printed on the page. Due to this, he’s put off of reading, just so he wouldn’t have to deal with the frustration and anger that builds up every time. He hasn’t found the courage to fully switch to audiobooks, thinking that it’d somehow mean he’s given up reading for good. Phemos also has a special interest in cars and takes pride in his ability to name a cars make and model just by looking at them. He likes motorcycles most and enjoys the adrenaline rush it gives him. He likes amusement parks and rollercoasters for this same reason.

Land of Worship and Storm

LOWAS was a dark, troubled planet with horribly unpredictable weather and horribly misguided consorts. The consorts, a species of red frilled-neck lizards, worshipped a statue that they believed caused the disastrous weather. They worship the false icon out of fear of the storms becoming too much to bear and flooding the tunnels they call homes. They regularly give gifts and offerings to the statue to appease it. Phemos’s task is to smack some sense into them and make their decisions for them. He has to convince them that no, a rock with a face can't control the weather and you really should be working towards weather resistant buildings and dams.

Once he does, then he can go on to fully explore more of the mostly-flooded planet and find his denizen. The denizen of LOWAS, Eris, expects a strife to earn his questbed and ascension.


Page of Rage; One who Invites Exploitation of Rage or one who Invites Exploitation through Rage

Pages are the passive counterpart of the Exploitation class, with their active half being the Knights. They start off with an express deficit in their aspects that they tend to cope with by overcompensating. Pages are among the weakest throughout the majority of their session, but upon fulfilling their godly role and reaching a state of emotional maturity, their power becomes almost unmatchable. Pages tend to be easily led around by others and taken advantage of, often ones to be manipulated. They rarely make decisions for themselves and have the tendency to be insecure in some way. They struggle with indpendence, being independent and putting themselves first. Rage is the aspect of unpredictability, defiance and falsity, limitation–an unmovable object–and of course, anger. It’s opposite is hope. Rage players tend to be very stubborn and steeped in their conviction that they are in fact right. However, they are not the types to double down on false ideas if presented with the truth and nothing but the truth if it differs from their own. They may also be fiercely passionate in their beliefs and righteous, with a strong sense of morality and a deep hatred of being lied to. A Page of Rage’s role is a passive one, allowing anger to work as their weapon and equipping their allies with rage. They would have the ability to exploit rage and arm themselves with the pure destructive forces of rage.



Good/neutral traits

  • sincere, genuine;
  • compassionate, well diposed attitude
  • overly naïve, takes people at face value
  • eager to please others, strives to be helpful
  • terrible liar, cannot tell a lie to save his life
  • easily attached to people
  • introverted, shyer/meeker than most others
  • hardworking, dedicated
  • very sensitive to emotional changes in others
  • not one to get angry often
  • relisient, quick to recover
  • extremely empathetic
  • devoted and loyal to a fault

Bad traits

  • easily influenced, impressionable
  • poor self image and low self esteem, insecure
  • stickler for the rules, obedient
  • easily overwhelmed and overstimulated
  • clingy, needy and dependant on those close to him
  • has the tendency to be a pushover at times
  • easily made jealous
  • self doubting, doesn't trust himself
  • easily made anxious or distressed
  • not one to stick up for himself, reticent
  • approval-seeking
  • extremely prone to manipulation
  • attention seeking tendencies


  • Phemos' firstname comes from the Greek transliteration for Polyphemus (Polyphemos). Polyphemus was the cyclops son of Poseidon and the sea nymph Thoosa described in Homer’s Odyssey. The name means “abounding in songs and legends.” He first appeared as a savage man-eating giant in the ninth book of the Odyssey, when Odysseus and his men landed on his island. Polyphemus is also the name of a species of moth, the kind that his lusus is. They have large eye markings on their wings and this is relfected in Phemos' god tier design as well.
  • His surname comes from the transliteration of the Hindi word केसर (Kesar), meaning saffron. Saffron is a spice derived from the flower of Crocus sativus, commonly known as the "saffron crocus". The small amount of saffron spice per plant, along with the fact that harvesting must be done manually, leads to saffron being majorly expensive. According to Hindu mythology, Saffron (or Kesariya) is the color of Sunset (Sandhya) and Fire (Agni) which symbolises sacrifice, light, and quest of salvation.
  • His original surname came from the word Kaisar, meaning emperor, a derivative of the Roman imperial title Caesar. I just added an accent mark where I thought it would sound the best. I changed it because I never liked how common it was, on some level it was sort of always meant to be a placeholder.
  • His birthday and creation day is October 8, making him a libra.
  • Phemos is autistic and suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), as well as severe social/generalized anxiety.
  • Phemos is a (mostly) recovered anorexic. He developed anorexia as a means to cope with his traumas and protect himself.
  • He was nonverbal until around the age of 12, around 5 sweeps. He communicated primarily through chittering and different bug-like sounds and eventually could reply with 'yes' or 'no' to various questions. However, his communication devolved into him not speaking at all as a result of traumas that he was subject to and did not return until age 14, almost 6.5 sweeps.
  • Phemos makes a variety of bug noises for a myriad of reasons, usually when he's feeling a particularly strong emotion. The sounds—chirps, clicks, chittering, trills—can occur because of any emotion and don't have a set cause. For example, an emotion like excitement or happiness could make him chirp and trill, but it doesn't mean that an emotion like fear or anxiety wouldn't. They do, however, have slight differences in their frequence depending on the emotion. The majority of the time these noises are involuntary and he isn't usually aware of when they happen, but he can produce them on command. On command, he uses them to soothe himself and his partner, though the action is usually instinctual.
  • Phemos has been underweight for most of his life and is much smaller than most others his age. His weight and eating habits had been a problem for the majority of his life, starting when he was a young child. Due to the unpredictable eating schedule he was on with his lusus, he had trouble eating enough at all, let alone keeping healthy. When he was brought into the church he gained the weight he was supposed to have, but lost most of it rapidly as he entered adulthood because of his prolonged disordered eating. He's gained much more weight recently since he's been with Malach and eats much better.
  • Phemos greatly fears animals (lusii), especially cats. It's irrational, but part of him thinks he's still small enough to be eaten by them.
  • He's a lightweight and can't handle his alcohol, but he likes sweeter cocktails and some wines. He doesn't enjoy the taste of most alcohols.
  • Phemos eats his food in a specific order and won't eat it if it touches each other. He's only okay with mixing food if he makes the choice to do so. He isn't very picky but might have to be coerced into trying certain things.
  • Almost all of the plates in his home are portion plates to keep his food in their correct area. He only has two or three regular ones that are never used by him, only guests.
  • In his late teens, Phemos lost a lot of weight very quickly and unhealthily. He was trying to cope with the loss of control he felt in his life and tried to control the one thing that he believed he could.
  • He is a terrible liar, almost comically so. He can't tell a lie to save his life, but it doesn't stop him from trying.
  • Phemos talks and twitches frequently in his sleep. Most of it is unintelligible, though if you listen closely it may sound like a certain someone's name. He primarily speaks in Hindi.
  • When he is stressed, Phemos will sleepwalk, and his sleep talking becomes much more intense.
  • His love languages are physical affection and acts of service; he wants to feel close to his partner and wants nothing more than to feel useful to and serve them.
  • Phemos is blasian (indian) and trini. He speaks Hindi and has learned some Arabic (Egyptian Dialect), enough to carry a conversation, with help from Ameris. He thought it'd be fun to learn his moirail's language, though he struggles to read and write it.
  • He's trying to pick up more Spanish words and phrases from Malach and Ameris, but their different dialects and accents make his head spin. He'd much rather listen to Malach speak it than sit down and read flashcards, like how Ameris made him do with Arabic.
  • Phemos has several piercings; labret, tongue, ears, chest, and navel (when I decide to draw him with a belly button).
  • When Phemos is unsure how to act or what to do in certain situations, he'll copy other people to feel as though he fits in correctly. He most often copies Malach and Ameris. This unintentionally backfires on him pretty often, especially when hes out drinking with Malach. He forgets that he can't handle more than a couple drinks and more often than not, the night ends with Phemos having to be carried home by his boyfriend.
  • He often comes to Malach's defense, even when he is clearly in the wrong. Subconsciously, Phemos believes Malach can do no wrong and it's part of the reason why he can't stay mad at him.
  • Phemos prefers floral scents. Everything from his shampoo and body lotions, to his detergent and air fresheners are floral scented. He smells of lavender.
  • As a child, Phemos suffered from a fear of going outside so severe that it bordered on full-blown agoraphobia. It stemmed from his lusus' teachings, as he always took what his mothdad said to heart. He was forced to confront this fear only after his Baba's death and often has intense bouts of anxiety surrounding meeting new people.
  • Phemos has a collection of Hot Wheels, mostly gifted to him by Malach. They are his most prized possessions.
  • Due to his blindness, Phemos has monocular vision. He has very poor depth perception and struggles with interpreting objects in his peripheral vision. He is very accident-prone because of this; he bumps into tables, and doors, and spills things sometimes, all because his ability to judge distances accurately is heavily impaired. He's embarrassed by it, especially when he's in someone else's home.
  • He enjoys yoga and pilates and finds it very relaxing. He likes wearing cute sets to work out and improve his flexibility.
  • Phemos only ever started dressing femininely when he met Malach. He makes Phemos feel so pretty when he's dolled up.
  • Phemos has a collection of magazines and cut-out pictures of Malach's photoshoots. He hides them under and in between his car magazines.
  • Once you have won his loyalty, it is very difficult to lose it.
  • Ever since the night he was blinded, Phemos's faith has wavered. It was like losing a part of his identity.
  • Phemos's sigil mark is in between his shoulder blades, it was cut into his skin. This is a direct reference to stigmata, the bodily marks, scars, or pains corresponding to those of the crucified Jesus Christ. His is representative of the pains Jesus Christ endured while carrying the cross to his crucifixtion. This is symbolic of Phemos's meek personality; he is often the one to carry burdens for the comfort of others at his own expense, has many responsibilities and pressures, and regularly is held accountable for the mistakes of others. The scar is meant to be an honor to receive, but he thinks of it only as the church's branding or claim of ownership over him.
  • He keeps his old rosary in a wooden box under his bed, along with other mementos from childhood including a tattered prayer book, old photographs, and his first copy of their book of gospels. He doesn't like to think about it, but hasn't made any move to discard the items.
  • He doesn't like going anywhere without one of his Malach necklaces. They’re like a good luck charm to him, or a talisman of protection. He feels strangely safer when he has one on, no matter where he may be.
  • Phemos is an obsessive lover. He knows no other way to love someone if not through fanatical devotion.
  • He speaks with a Trinidadian accent that gets thicker when he's upset. It isn't very strong otherwise.
  • Oftentimes, Phemos has herded Malach away from situations that had been angering him using his little bug noises. He is nowhere near strong enough to force Malach to move, but clicking and chirping at him seems to convince him to do so.
  • He loves necklaces.
  • Phemos has some issues with his long-term memory, which most frequently manifests as him forgetting common words and mixing up other ones, such as calling a table a bed.
  • He often makes too much eye contact. It's common for him to intensely stare down whoever he may be talking to.
  • He sort of always has this wide-eyed look on his face. Typically no reason for it, he just looks like that.
  • Phemos cannot and will not eat beef or pork. While it is a mostly culturally based refusal, he actually only refrains from eating pork because of Ameris. Ameris doesn't eat pork so he doesn't eat pork. Phemos is, surprisingly, mostly vegetarian. His diet isn't strictly plant-based however, as he'll eat seafood and other meats, such as chicken and lamb, from time to time. Especially if it's for a special occasion. He doesn't call himself a vegetarian either.
  • Almost all of his shoes have Malach's signature on them. His older sneakers are covered in them, but the more expensive ones have them hidden on the soles. He pretends to be irritated when Malach does it, but he honestly really likes being able to look down at his feet and see something that reminds him of his boyfriend.
  • When Ameris had been living with Phemos full-time, they once had gotten so drunk they ended up "messing around" with each other. They passed out before they could go too far, but to this day Phemos won't speak about it. He isn't sure if Ameris remembers at all, and refuses to be the one to bring it up first.
  • Phemos doesn't know how to talk to kids. They make him pretty uncomfortable.
  • He has an excess of pillows and blankets. The storage closets in his house are full of them. When he's cold (or feeling lonely) he likes to take as many as he can and make a "nest" in his bed with them. Phemos has a habit of herding Malach to bed so he can build a nest around him, and spend their time together snuggling and warm.
  • During their sleepovers, Ameris and Phemos do a lot of childish activities together; building blanket forts, playing board games, etc. They're making up for experiences they never had!
  • Phemos keeps a set of large utensils and plates for Malach. They're specially for him and no one else is allowed to use them.
  • Phemos takes apart certain foods before he eats them. He likes having small pieces to eat. He does this most often with finger foods and breads.
  • He prefers red apples, and will only eat them if they've been sliced first.
  • He loves Malach's old shirts and would choose them over PJs in a heartbeat, but he hates how they don't smell like him anymore. Luckily, this problem is fixed pretty easily by constantly sleeping with Malach.
  • He's gotten too used to falling asleep while being held. He can't fall asleep any other way now. He's been spoiled!
  • Phemos's whole face flushes when he's really embarrassed. He can feel it when it happens and it just makes his embarrassment worse.
  • He is a ridiculously heavy sleeper. Loud noises do nothing to wake him up. Try shaking him maybe?
  • When he's really happy, he smiles uncontrollably. He worries about coming across as offputting, but he truly can't stop it when it occurs.
  • During his worse episodes and meltdowns, when triggered, Phemos will go nonverbal and cry audibly while rocking or flapping his hands. Commonly, he tries to hit himself in the head, in an attempt to convey feelings he doesn't have the words to do so.
  • He likes frozen yogurt more than regular ice cream. Vanilla tastes the best to him, but cookies n' cream is a close second. He only ever tried it because he kept getting teased for liking such a "boring" flavor.
  • Phemos often has to be guided (usually by Malach or Ameris) due to his poor depth perception. Many times before Malach has had to hold his hips and pull him in so he wouldn't fall over or trip. He genuinely loves the attention and has acquired a bad habit of playing up his clumsiness it. He'll only exaggerate his trip ups in front of Malach, mostly because its his attention Phemos craves but also because Ameris knows when he's faking. He just can't help that it makes him feel loved and cared for, in a strange way.



Malach Avérsi (Current)

Unnamed Indigo Ex (Former)

A few former flings

Tratos Iscara (Former)


He has no desire to pursue blackrom in any capacity.


Ameris Lácera (Current)

Tratos Iscara (Former)


He's felt forced to act as an auspisitice for many before.

Credit: Xamag