

2 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


TV MAN (no name beyond that, usually just referred to as "him")


early 20's probably


human (debatable)


On July 27 2021, I had a dream that took place in a cabin bedroom. There was a bed in the top center of the room. To the right against the wall was a TV and beside the TV was a closed closet door. There was also an empty shelf on the ground. I was in this room with 3 people I did not recognize, who were all sat on the bed while I sat on the floor by the shelf.

We were watching TV, and this man was on the screen. At first he was talking about some nonsense I didn't understand, in an obviously insincerely cheery way, but it didn't seem completely weird yet. However, it wasn't long until I and the 3 strangers noticed something unsettling: the man was somehow making eye contact with people in the room. Freaked out, I hid behind the shelf hoping he wouldn't make eye contact with me - but it didn't work and he started staring me down. He was smiling initially, but the longer we watched the more angry it seemed he became. Until the screen suddenly went black.

There was a moment of silence between myself and the other 3, but it didn't last. The TV man suddenly burst through the closet door and rushed towards us, starting with the 3 on the bed as it was more populated. I stayed as still as I could, hoping he might not notice me, but as dreams go that did not work either. As soon as that thought was in my head he immediately approached me, sinister look on his face, lifted me, and broke a glass over my head. I woke up soon after this.

So, naturally, I drew him and here we are! Using this guy as a test dummy to see how the site works.