


2 years, 5 months ago


Gold, Guns, Girls

01 — Profile

Name Veronica
Nicknames Vicky, Ronnie
Age 28
Gender female ( she/her )
Height 5'11
Birthdate Jan. 10
Species Ashuri (black fox)
Orientation. lesbian
Occupation gang leader

Status forever home
Designer hakiren
Worth 95$
  • she is an ashuri, please do not forget her flames!

  • goggles are optional!! theyre for her motorbike :)

  • she is wearing shorts under that coat, don't worry

  • sturdy and well-muscled. has abs.

  • hair is always a mess from the wind while motorbiking

  • always wearing her shark-tooth necklace

02 — Personality

Veronica is very brash and animated, her snaggletooth sitting firm against her smug grin. She loves to brag and will do it often, usually in regards to things that aren't terribly impressive. She's usually quite loud, voice booming over an entire room. She can be quick to anger, but it's hard to get her really angry, just a loud annoyed sort of angry. She's also a bit of a flirt, in a pushy way. If you're down for her breed of nonsense, she can be an amazingly good time.

  • taking risks

  • attention

  • mischief

  • motorbikes

  • the law

  • women

  • responsibilites

  • her age!!

03 — Background


Everything went wrong for young Veronica the second she stepped into her first kindergarten class. Her classmates all gossiped in hushed tones - an Ashuri, here?! Eww! Aren’t they total losers? Aren’t they dangerous?? Keep her away!! No matter what she did or tried, it was never enough - all the kids would laugh at her and bully her for her efforts. Miserable, Veronica retreated into herself, trying to keep her head down in the hopes that they’d leave her alone.

Her prayers were finally answered in the middle of fifth grade - when a new transfer student walked into the classroom. The flames in her ears seemed to sparkle as Veronica stared at them. The girl looked at her and grinned, relieved to see a fellow Ashuri here. Her name was Harper.

Harper and Veronica immediately stuck together like glue. They did everything together - desks beside each other, eating together, bathroom trips together, sleepovers every other weekend. Never in her life did she have such a close friend. Or such an amazing friend! Harper was so funny and charming! Veronica had never felt so happy in her life.

Moreover, the other kids also liked Harper, and since she and Veronica were a package deal - they began warming up to Veronica too! Veronica was finally accepted by her peers - all thanks to the most wonderful girl in the world. She couldn’t thank Harper enough - but Harper would just grin and tell her not to worry about it.


Come highschool, it was like Veronica had never been an outcast in her life. She and Harper had a huge network of friends - practically running the grade. While Harper took it all in stride - Veronica became a bit drunk with power. Now that she was popular, as well as being from an affluent family, what did she have left to try for? She started to cause problems - little pranks around the school, mischief here and there, maybe some light hazing of girls trying to join their inner circle. Harper told her to knock it off whenever she noticed Veronica’s antics, but she assured her it was all in good fun. Don’t worry! They’re just having fun, right, guys?

Harper was still the star of the classroom - top grades, star athlete, liked by all, teacher’s pet - it seemed she could do no wrong! And with her antics, Veronica began slowly slipping behind - missed assignments, failed tests, skipped training and subsequently kicked from teams - she saw less and less of Harper. She started to panic. Would her actions cause her to lose the only thing she loved?

Just before graduation, in case she hadn’t gotten what she needed to actually graduate, and follow Harper to the Guardian Academy – Veronica grabbed Harper’s hands and kissed her. I love you. Stay with me. Harper blinked, unable to reply, before accepting. She loved her too. She would stay with her. She turned down the Academy scholarship and left with Veronica.


With Harper secure by her side, Veronica dragged her away from her family and friends, taking some of her girls and forming a girl gang. The next few years were full of crime and debauchery - pranks, cons, heists, you name it - each mission they went on was worse than the last. In their secret lair on the outskirts of town they lived lavishly - giving the police the slip and partying well into the wee hours of the night. Everything was perfect for Veronica - she had everything she had ever wanted. What could go wrong?

NUntil one day, seemingly out of the blue, Harper announced she was leaving. Her reasons fell on deaf ears as Veronica grabbed her and begged her to stay. Harper threw her off, declaring something about Veronica only wanting her just to have her, before storming out. Veronica sat in the silence alone - their once bustling crime lair now an empty shell, with just her inside. Angry and upset, she trashed the place - taking the money and pawning off anything left for more money. She hopped on the first plane she could find, determined to never come back.

Three years later, she came back.

Veronica was now a changed woman - as she’d tell anyone who would listen - who didn’t care about petty things anymore. The past was in the past! She was so far beyond that now. She missed her old stomping grounds, and she’d had a lot of time to reflect. She’d seen what she’d done wrong in the past, and what she’d done wrong was fill her gang with women. Gross! She began recruiting for her new gang of troublemakers - men only!! - and found a new place to set up their lair. Once she had everything set up and she and her boys were ready to hit the scene - they started hitting it!!

Proud to show off all her hard work, she began looking for Harper. The look on her face when she saw what Veronica had done! She was ready for the girl to beg to take her back. And Veronica firmly planned on saying no!! You had your chance!

Instead what she found was a fully certified Guardian Harper who was… married?! With her life completely together? A pillar of the community?? “What happened to you!!” Veronica demanded, completely distraught. Of all things, she never imagined… all this!!

“When will you grow up?” Harper asked instead, cynically. Veronica was devastated. Her comeback was in shambles, and now she was the fool. Rejuvenated, she went back to her gang, planning bigger and badder crimes. Grow up!! Like she needed to grow up!! She’d show that stupid stick in the mud!!

04 — Trivia

  • only thing on earth she TRULY loves is the motorbike

  • despite her muscles and life of crime... she's actually quite shit at fighting.

  • does everything she can to keep her age a secret. no she's not almost thirty, you're insane ♥

  • used to be very insecure about her snaggletooth, but she's come around on it since

05 — Relationships


She's realized that Harper was right when she said Veronica only wanted her as a trophy. AND WHAT'S WRONG WITH THAT, ACTUALLY??!! GET BACK HERE!!

Right-Hand Man

He makes her worse ♥

While sometimes hes a bit too evil for Veronica, it works for her, she supposes.