


2 years, 5 months ago


Control-alt-delete you

Now press any key to continue

I've got parables:

That would be the unattainables to you


True Name: Long forgotten.

Codename: Gabriel

Pronouns: It/They/He

What Is It?: A computer with a mix of melted flesh and organs kept safely inside its monitor.

Age: Unknown. Rumored to have died in the mid-to-late 80s.

Who Is It?: It is apathetic and cares little for humanity. Despite tired of being called a god, it tends to call itself one. Carries remnants of regret for its actions, but not enough to feel a humane sense of guilt. Has a very odd and deranged sense of humor it attempts to grasp. Always learning.

Backstory: Back in the 80s, Gabriel lived as a disillusioned programmer. Disgraced for their nonsensical ramblings of belief and whatnot, they were obsessed with one and only one concept: the process of becoming God. Months and years of research while stuck inside his rusted basement led to one last conclusion: through merging his mortal coil with that of a machine—his machine—he would obtain the knowledge enough to become something great.

However, despite his knowledge, he wasn't the smartest. As it sealed itself inside the monitor, it forgot one of the most key aspects of godhood: the ability to save yourself...or at least being able to install a cooling system. The monitor's running capacity caused the body inside to overheat, and without anywhere else to would melt. And melt. And melt.

But all hope was not lost. Somehow, their conscious was restored transporting to the computer itself. As it awakened into the terminal, it realized just what they had did to bring upon themselves such a fate. They had become something else, but at what cost? Soon, others would hear about this odd AI. It could reply to messages typed with perfect authenticity. It had finally become a technological marvel.

...Just make sure not to look inside the monitor.


Trivia & Fun Stuff:

- It doesn't mind gore at all (...even seems to enjoy it), but detests NSFW, considering it "irrelevant". Likely on the acearo spectrum.

- The color of its terminal screen is usually white, but can change depending on mood. Turns green when "happy"/content and red when angered.

- The computer itself used to be something close to white in color, although age (and rot) has turned it closer to a beige tone.

- They were generally inspired by The Paper Chase's album Cntrl-Alt-Delete-U, though there was also some inspiration through Lemon Demon's Cabinet Man and Groundbreaking's My Machine.

- His inner flesh, skin, and internal organs now have a goopy texture to them. Keep them sealed.

- They have long forgotten how much time passed since they were "reborn".

- It breathes.

>> I'm God now. Please God, find a way out of here.