Rabbit of Hearts OTA's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

CinderedCider Global Rules


This TOS applies to all designs made and created by CinderedCider/Cider. Violating this TOS can lead to a Blacklist. Designs will not be revoked from blacklisted users, but are deemed unable to obtain any more designs by CinderedCider by all means.

Obtaining a design created by CinderedCider means you as the customer/consumer agree to the following terms below. Failure to comply may lead to a blacklist.

1. All designs are requested to stay on Toyhou.se for tracking purposes. The exception is if the design was held off-site and properly credited to CinderedCider. This does not include keeping the design on Toyhou.se as well as posting the design on other sites such as ArtFight or Unvale, as long as CinderedCider is credited back in some shape or form. This specific rule does mean any owner of a design from CinderedCider must have a Toyhouse.

2. One may not resell the design higher than what the design was sold for monetarily. The monetary value may only be added by commissioned work/finished personal work in this case. The same applies to designs that were obtained through monetary means.

2-a. In the case of adding monetary value, work that is considered unfinished/low-quality/shitposts/memes will not add to the value monetarily.

3. It is recommended to wait 3 days before reselling, retrading, or gifting away the design that was received. An exception to this is if the design was being obtained as a gift for another user. This rule however will not be heavily enforced.

4. Designs must retain at least 50% of their original design when being given a redesign. Alternative outfits or minor changes (Hue shifts or eye color changes) do not contribute to this percentage. Please check in with CinderedCider when redesigning a design.

4-a. Redesigning for a closed species needs permission from CinderedCider, however, Alternative Universe/Alternative Forms are okay as long as the original design is still present in the gallery or a separate tab.

4-b. The 50% rule only applies for One-off (Not for any Species) designs. Species designs must follow the corresponding species rules on redesigning.

5. All designs created for a species will have the species TOS trump over this one. Please follow the species TOS unless it points you back here.

5-a. In cases of voiding a species design, please contact CinderedCider for voiding if permitted by the species to get permission.

5-b. If a design is not permitted to be voided, it may remain under the species TOS and would follow that TOS.

6. No design that was obtained from CinderedCider may be used or associated with NFTS, Cryptocurrency, or Generative AI. Caught associating with such will result in an instant blacklist.

7. All designs may be used as examples for future clients. Please keep this in mind when obtaining a design.

8. Please contact CinderedCider in regards to the commercial use of designs created by CinderedCider.

9. False chargebacks will result in the consumer being contacted about the chargebacks. If the chargebacks were not an accident or won't ever be resolved, the consumer is liable for being instantly blacklisted.

10. I, CinderedCider, shall not be held liable for any content found on designs created by the designer, as that is outside of my control.