Polaris (Closed Species Info)



Floranimi - Closed Species Info (Kornderia)

It is said that the tale of Floranimi, begins from a tragic story of forbidden love. Budding between two races, humans and Gods.

Once there was a young, naive goddess, a princess who had fallen in love with her loyal knight. Sadly love between the two races is forbidden and the young princess wass designated to marry another mighty god. The rage of her father, the king, spread like a wildfire when he found out. The poor knight was beheaded. But the flames of the mighty god's anger could not be easily subsided. The curses have been placed upon the lowly humans, far and wide, young and old, male or female who have fallen in love with the gods: their body and souls will be reduced into that of a beast.

However, not all of the gods are merciless. With the mercy of the flower goddess, the blessing has been bestowed upon the cursed one to gain back their bodies and souls. Even a blessing of other god is not enough to cure the curse. They still retain some features of a beast such as ears and tails. But the blessings have bestowed them a pair of wings, similar to that of the god's as if to mock all the gods for the curse. The flowers entwined on their bodies are the marks that the flower goddess has taken them under her protection.


  • The word "Floranimi" comes from "Flora" and "Animi"
  • "Flora" means plant, in this case, it is directed to 'Flowers'. But in Latin, it can also indicate to the goddess of flowers.
  • "Animi" means, spirit, souls, and heart. Originated from Latin.
  • "Floranis" or "Floranimis" is what they called themselves.


  • The flowers on their bodies possess a special healing power.
  • By consuming them they can cure a small illness and treat wounds. But any illness or wounds that are life-threatening cannot be completely cured. They can also eliminate the pain and poison.
  • By inhaling the scent of flowers will relive the negative emotions like anxiety and panic. They can also relieve the pain.
  • Flowers are connected with their body, forcefully plucking them out will hurt them. They'll feel like a fistful of hair is being pulled. But by carefully clipping them from the stem, it won't hurt much, similar to when you are clipping your nails.
  • The flowers will naturally fall out of their bodies and the new flowers will sprout, but will never wither unless the Floranis is very ill or hurt.
  • The fallen flowers and petals will never wither and will still maintain their healing power, but the power will gradually fade away within 1-2 weeks.


  • Human ears are for hearing sound.
  • 'Animi' ears let them hear the 'sound' of other being's soul, detecting emotions, illness and such.
  • Some powerful Floranis are said to be able to hear another person's thoughts.
  • Their Animi ears are very sensitive, they don't like them to be touched. Few of them have ear accessories which are very rare.
  • The flowers are sprouting from their Animi ears. Some form into a Tiara, circling half of their head. Some forms into a crown, circling all of their head.


  • The end of the tail will not exceed the ankle or only dropping behind a little bit. While short-tails will not exceed the knee.
  • Tail figure shown on the top left is a special trait. An extra-long type, where the end of the tail can be dragging behind for about 2-4 feet long.


  • Wings are the pride of the Floranis, they are strong and can lift them up easily which make them quite capable of flying. but not with so much speed.
  • Those who have short wings are less good at flying.


  • Halos are a special trait. It is said that the Floranis who process a halo are amongst the most powerful of Floranimis - strength, flying capability and flowers's power.


  • For they can hear the sound of souls, most of them are kind and considerate by nature. But there are some who exploit others as well.
  • They eat a normal diets like humans but need a special source of energy for their flowers.
  • Their flowers absorb strong emotions such as happiness or sadness, pain or pleasure, love or hate etc.
  • They convert the emotions to energy, much like they are photosynthesising on emotions.
  • Not having enough energy sources for flowers can be cause them to fall ill.
  • Being exposed to strong emotions once a week is enough to keep them healthy.
  • Since their Animi ears can detect emotions and such, it is not hard for them to find another soul to feed on emotions.
  • They often give their petals or fallen flowers in return as a gratitudegift after they get their energy.


  • Being able to sense emotions, they are kind and considerate. But some of the use this ability to exploits others as well.
  • Other beings like to be around Floranis because the scent from the flowers often make them feel calm and relaxed.
  • Although they look delicate and fragile, they have strength equal to a grown man. Some even have a strength similar to a beast.
  • Even though they are capable of flying, they prefer to travel on foot.


  • They can mate with humans and other species, but the child that is born will have a really rare chance to be a Floranimi. (10%)
  • But if the Floranimi mates with other Floranimi, the child will be a Floranimi.


  • For the time has been long passed, their tale faded thus, they become the race of their own.
  • Like most animals, too much touching or playing with their tails can cause a mild annoyance.
  • It is known as a good manner to not touch the Floranis wings and flowers without their permission.
  • Floris with halo is more likely to possess the ability of hearing other beings' thoughts. (Mind Reading)