


2 years, 4 months ago


Name Momo

Called Momo

Age Mid 600's

D.o.B. N/A

Gender Non-binary

Pronouns She/they

Height 5'6 (human) 20'7 (true)

Build hourglass

Race Mohma

Role 'universe saver', entertainer

Demeanor Excited and happy

Aesthetic Pastel / fairy kei 

Flower content

Element Light



Adventurous • Exuberant • Neurotic • Stubborn

Hailing from the Plane of Light, Momo knows little about humanity as a whole. With a never ending supply of energy and and an equal supply of curiosity, Momo has a tendency to jump blindly into situations in order to learn. Whether or not her methods are legal is up for debate, but one thing is certain -- where Momo goes, chaos is sure to follow. Despite her seemingly childlike personality, she seems to have somewhat of a dirty mind, cursing and making lewd jokes any chance she gets. Most of the things she learned about humans came from the internet, so she has a tendency to meme alot, referencing obscure things in her jokes.

Her true form is that of a moth-like kaiju-esque creature, able to morph its shape with the use of alien technology referred to as the 'Alchemy Engine.' The Alchemy Engine is capable of breaking down both organic and inorganic matter and allows the mechanic to reshape or change the material entirely. The Engine was originally created by the Goddess of Life to create life in the Universe, but only the Mohma have been able to reverse-engineer the machine, becoming reliant on it for everyday survival. Her personal Engine powers her space craft and she has lovingly named it 'Potato'. 








At the beginning of time there was no life. The Gods had their realms but no subjects to worship them. The Life Goddess Vita decided that their work should be at least appreciated by someone other than her brothers and sisters, they never really got along. Binding the primal forces of the universe, alongside elements stolen from her kindred, she created the Alchemy Engine; nestling it away in the jungles of the Plane of Life. The Engine roared to life, waves of heat and frost pulsing from the cauldron until finally, with one final pulse, the energies stored within burst forth like a tidal wave across the universe. The energy was hungrily absorbed by all it touched, the first specks of sentient life coming into existence. Looking into the cauldron, she noticed that all that remained in it were hot coal-like masses; all that remained of the primal forces. Fearing that her siblings may come for the Engine, she gave it and the coal, calling it the Sacred Sparks to the Mohma, the first of her children to protect. 

The Disaster

For millions of years, the sparks were well protected. The Mohma, to honour Vita's gift, created a giant statue to hold the sparks inside. One single family, the strongest of the original bloodline was put in charge of watching over the statue while it was worshipped. Every year the Mohma held a festival in Vita's honour, a truly might celebration and every year it went off without a hitch. Except for one...

This festival was different. It was a coming of age ceremony as well. The statue's keepers were retiring from their duties and the torch had been passed to their daughter. Any other Mohma would have killed for the opportunity, but Momo was unimpressed. She didn't want to be a caretaker for the statue. She wanted to be an explorer; to travel to other worlds with the merchants and see what other beauties Vita had created. Looking after a statue was stupid and BORING. 


Gingerbread jujubes sweet roll. Muffin cheesecake lollipop macaroon gingerbread marshmallow lollipop. Marshmallow pie jujubes sweet cake. Jelly beans marzipan tootsie roll danish chocolate cake cake. Jelly oat cake muffin jujubes. Gingerbread cake caramels marzipan. Icing apple pie lemon drops sweet roll lemon drops cotton candy. Chupa chups muffin cupcake croissant cookie pastry jujubes bear claw. Icing jelly jujubes. Carrot cake jelly tiramisu bonbon marzipan marshmallow tart gummi bears. Soufflé lollipop biscuit cupcake jelly beans chocolate cake chupa chups cake candy canes. Icing icing sweet roll sesame snaps cake topping cupcake. Marzipan pie halvah. Cotton candy marshmallow pastry cake soufflé carrot cake chocolate.

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