🐾 Alderpaw (-branch)



2 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info

Former Clan


Cause of Death

Murdered by Renly



Name Alderpaw
Gender Male
Rank Apprentice
Clan Thunderclan
Mentor Hazelshade
Crush None
Mate None
Kits None


Alderpaw is a kind soul, and a goofball at that. He loves his clan, and he enjoys playing with kits and the other apprentices. Whilst he can seem a bit slow during training, his skills are beginning to shape up. By the time he is a warrior, he is expected to grow out of his almost immature, naive, and overly goofy persona. He is energetic, and enjoys helping despite being a little lazy. However, he is compassionate to those around him and surprises others with his surprisingly intellectual advice.

Alderpaw was born to a Shadowclan queen, Rowanbelly, who did not want kits. She hadn't told anyone, even their medicine cat. She gave birth alone in the forest to four kits, before leaving them and heading back to Shadowclan's camp. She asked around to find out what herbs she could eat to stop her from producing milk. She didn't look back. Two of her kits died, and two survived. Alderkit had wriggled from the grassy nest the kits were in and rolled over the Thunderclan border. He was found by Silverpaw, a Thunderclan apprentice. Meanwhile, his littermates were found by Shadowclan. His surviving sister would come to be named Russetkit. Starclan warriors named the nameless kits Marshkit and Moorkit.

When Silverpaw of Thunderclan padded into the camp in the early dawn with wide-eyes and a newly born kit swinging from her jaws, she hurried to the nursery to ask one of the queens for help. A queen who had just had her own litter, Lilywing, agreed to suckle the poor kit, her concern clear. Due to his birth, Alderkit was in rocky territory for the first couple weeks of his life, but as Thunderclan’s medicine cat and his new mother nursed him back to health, he began to thrive. Alderkit had no idea he was not blood related to his littermates, and he considers Lilywing his mother, and Silverpaw, who was clingy toward him and constantly checking on him, became an older sister figure for him. As he became an apprentice, Silverpaw welcomed him into the den before she went on to receive her warrior name, Silverfeather. She still checks in with him occasionally.


Alderpaw is a wide tom, with a large head and broad shoulders. He has large, round eyes and small ears that often sit alert. He is of average height, and has a long medium-furred tail. His pelt is a dark, warm ginger with darker stripes and splotches on his face.

Design Notes

  • Broad shoulders, strong build
  • Big head, a bit of a baby face
  • Tail fur is longer than rest of fur

  • Alder For being found under an alder tree
  • paw apprentice suffix
code by jiko