【┘】Ticker's Comments

Heyo! Does anyone on my th outside of mains interest you?^^ I can also add on art to any character/s! 

I do like this guy! https://toyhou.se/9492357.ethan

Would you maybe consider adding on art/characters? If so Id definitely be down to do Ethan! 

Sorry for the wait! I could offer multiple characters from these folders if any interest u! https://toyhou.se/cyberbones/characters/folder:2060368 https://toyhou.se/cyberbones/characters/folder:1173971

No worries at all! I liked these guys if youd be willing to add them on? If so Ill send Ethan over!^^





I don’t use any of them, so I’d be willing to do them all!

3 Replies

If the person who currently is asking for the character doesn’t come back/ghosts, could I offer for them? 👉👈

Sure I don’t mind

So, (if they dont come back ofc, I'm not trying to snatch the OC from them if they still want them) I offer a fullbody and a bust for them (Art examples here and here).

r u eo on them?

Yes, I’m mostly interested in trades!

alright! I'd do anyone in my uft/ufo folder besides maivis and or art!

For art, would be be okay drawing this guy? I’d rlly take any form of art, I’m not picky! ^^ https://toyhou.se/17403432.comet-

I'd def draw them! would u take a full?

Absolutely! I’ll mark this character as pending ^^

7 Replies

Would you be willing to haggle? If not I can do full amount

I would not be willing to haggle unfortunately! I'll dm you my paypal if you're still interested!

Unfortunately, not right now, but I might come back soon!

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Didn't see anyone, sorry!

If you're accepting USD I could do $40!

I accept! Please send the money to https://www.paypal.me/Landonoake and I’ll transfer them over!

Perfect! I sent payment, tysm!

what are you looking for?>>

Trades our money

feel free to browse my th! I may not do some but def lmk if you see anyone you like

see anybody in my th? :0

Any one from here? Also can do art for them maybe a head shot and a full, or 2 full bodies 


Anyone in my th? Sonas are offlimits

anyone in my th possibly interest you? mains folder is offlimits if not i could possibly offer art ! 


Anyone in here or my unsorted interest you? :D

See anyone on my TH for them?