


2 years, 5 months ago



22 yrs


pop rock star with a mecha 

very hatsune michael

has the glitter-glitter fruit

it's like kizarus fruit but cannot physically harm anyone with the beams outside of blinding someone. he uses them as his own special effects during performances and also to blind people

Arix hates him because hes jealous of his popularity but also because he was sheltered and self centered and has never been treated remotely negatively by anyone but one person so he has what may be akin to a temper tantrum / complete unhinged break down at any minor rude-ness or inconvenience. Arix finds this hilarious and purposely provokes him because he is disturbed

Raimi is very naive and has absolutely no social awareness / skills and often comes off as extremely entitled and rude despite genuinely wanting to be a nice person. but he gets upset if you point out how childish he is taking it as an insult since he seems himself as perfect and feels justified to believe that because of how popular he is. his line of thinking is "every body loves me... obviously im perfect???"

thinks of sen and zero as his parents, very loud about this. calls them his mom and dad, zero thinks this is awesome, sen is flattered but confused on why they are a mom. stop acting like a mom then idiot. 

Doesn't really talk to Yuu

Jealous of Grimm for being popular for his looks, but also thinks he's cool. Wants to talk to him about robots and comic books

""""hates"""" arix because he thinks the crew likes him better than him and is pissed arix doesnt even appreciate that / wants to be zero and sens favorite which is a totally normal thing to want and also achievable. they're actually best friends but they're so incredibly annoying about it you'd think they'd genuinly hated eachother

calls lace lil homie. thats his lil homie. theyre bestie siblings

closest with persephen out of everyone, calls persephen big sis/bro. presephen is happy to have this weird annoying purple little brother

if u say one mean thing to him he will just cry. forever.

he is just a little bit unhinged

he gets character development but don't worry about it 


- Rai (Arix)

- Mobile Suit Gundam (by Grimm when he's in his mecha)