Kreichen Gestillt



6 years, 10 months ago


Kreichen Gestillt

Son of the Alp

Age: 15

Killer Style: How to describe my style? I guess I’d say I add in a little horror punk with some goth, but I’m pretty casual and laid back. I don’t know, man. I’m just me. Take it or leave it.

Freaky Flaw: It’s said that I’m annoying and creepy or whatever. I don’t care. That’s just me, you know? I guess I have this bad habit of taking things that aren’t mine. I don’t know how it happens. They just show up in my pocket, I swear!

Favorite Color: Neon green

Favorite Food: Spicy Buffalo Chicken Pizza is delicious! Especially right before bed. It gives me the most vivid nightmares. My favorite!

Biggest Pet Peeve: You try and tell me what to do you’re immediately on my bad side.

Favorite Activity: I like to follow people around and see what they do. It’s easy for me hide in the shadows so I can mess with them! When I’m not doing that I work on my insect collection.

Pet: I have a little farm of caterpillars that will turn into luna moths soon. Luna moths are my favorite insect but I have a soft spot for all butterflies and moths. There’s too many to give them all names so they’re all named Franklin.

Favorite School Subject: Home Ick. Cooking is dull but there are a lot of cute ghouls in that class. ;)

Least Favorite School Subject: History of the Undead. BORE. RING.

Personality: Complete and utter creep, speaks really badly and objectifying about women, stalks girls from his class. Compulsive stealer but only takes small things that aren’t usually missed (e.i. nail clippers). Makes annoying clicking noise with his tongue. He is seen as annoying overall. Shows no authority to elders. Likes causing mayhem, specifically nightmareish mayhem. Is distracted easily, especially with the promise of gifts or surprises. Likes insects, especially luna moths and other moths and butterflies. Collects insect taxidermy. Has glow in the dark tattoos on his left shoulder. Bo’s younger cousin from Boolin, Germany.

Style: horror punk, macabre

Music: The Other, The Misfits, Plan 9, 45 Grave, Samhein