Belladonna Eclair Lioncourté



2 years, 5 months ago




Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her
Race Human
Age 33
Height 6'2"
Sexuality Pansexual
Class Sorceress

Key Info 

Charming Wise Maternal clever Generous Caring

Belladonna born a draconic sorceress but with no explanation her family was lead to believe her powers were a gift from god. But the true origin of her magic would lead her down a dark path and change her destiny and that of those around her forever.

Overtime she has become extraordinarily powerful in the ways of magic but the looming threat of her true nature soon achieving their true form will will have consequences she has never seen before.









  • Magic
  • Puppies
  • Dumplings
  • Arcane knowledge
  • Power


  • Magicraft
  • Cottagecore
  • Firearms
  • Winemaking
  • Baking


  • Liars
  • Bullies
  • Chauvinism
  • Lucifer
  • Frogs


I am sweet, but deadly.


Recent History

With the constant threat of the Crescent vault under siege from the powers of darkness, her demons growing lust for power and her heart calling for her past lover. Times are more turbulent now for Bella than ever before..

Early History

Long ago there was an abyssal black dragon who’s ego and lust for power eventually lead to his downfall when he overestimated his own strength and his kingdom was overthrown. In his last moments in an act of desperation he performed some kind of dark magic that allowed him to reincarnate, fooling his enemies into thinking he had been killed.

Very weak, his soul sought out a host to attach to. The spell was rushed and imperfect so it randomly chose a host. It choose Belladonna’s mother while she was pregnant. And the demons soul reincarnated into the child that was born.

As Belladonna grew up it was a surprise for her parents to find out she was a sorcerer of draconic descent because neither of them were magic users. Belladonna has a loving and maternal instinct which is the opposite of the demons soul who gave her magic.

Her family curious to know the true origin of her magic had a cleric look at her in her youth to determine the source of her draconic power. Upon sensing the power in Belladonna he told her family her powers were a gift from god. and left them on that note. A lie her parents still believe to this day.

Around the age of 20 Belladonna left her home with her then lover Marigold and friend Cattleya to train her magic, secretly being driven to seek more power by the spirit. After tragedy struck and Cattleya was killed. their journey ended and they returned home. Marigold settled down and started a family but Belladonna sat in a deep depression for years.

Her spirit grew restless in her years of despair and eventually around 30 she was compelled to go out seeking items of power again. She adventured alone until the age of 32 when she made her way to the crimson crescent seeking work but secretly is motivated to find magical artifacts that may grant more power.

After her many adventures Belladonna has discovered the truth of her power and is fully aware of the dark presence inside of her. She has grown extraordinarily in her strength, soon her magic will be potent enough to restore her demon to his true form.

Despite her innocent, maternal and loving nature she has a dark secret. Much like the plant she’s named after, deadly nightshade. She’s sweet but deadly.