Identity Thief (King identity)



As a prince, he often had trouble figuring out who he wanted to be and tried our a variety of things. He was known to take walks in the woods alone. On the day of his kingly coronation, he took a walk in the woods and came out seemingly a different dog. No one knew he truly was a different “dog”.

(Rewritten of belowww

king identitatis (rip)  eaten by the identity thief , and identity stolen by the thief. Prior to being eaten, he was known to take walks in the woods to clear his mind and having trouble knowing what he wanted to be / who he was (so coming back totallt different from a walk wasnt too surprising / suspicious as he was known to try to change things up sometimes. except coming back after a few days with a different shape was a liiiittle odd)

Identity thief shortened the name to king identity because it cannot pronounce identitatis very well