
2 years, 4 months ago


Hello :)


Full-time Big Bro

Main • Not For Trade

Code by AviCode


cheery . paternal . active

An active and responsible adult. Forced to grow up rather quickly after his parents went missing, but still retains a largely goofy, naive demeanor. Loves a good walk in the woods but loves his little sister more; takes care of her diligently all by himself. It seems yellow flowers occasionally sprout up in places he's been.

Nicknames none
Age 26
Gender male
Species demon
Birthday Jan 13th
Height 5'11"
Occupation none
Location Earth Minor

Oh never have you ever seen so many perfect evergreens, but I would chop them all down just for you.



A species from another dimension.

Sturdy limbs from foraging and the like, but doesn't eat as often as he should.
Physical Health

Heavily scarred all over his body. Decently fit but underweight and without access to medical support of any kind.


Half of his face is enveloped by a huge scar. Two sets of horns, surprisingly lightweight. Sharp teeth.

Small wings; cannot fly. Can be drawn with proper claws or simply pointed fingers. Long tail with sharp tip. His scars are tough and almost like asphalt. Bright red, luminous blood.




Pan is good-natured. He has a good work-ethic and will patiently do what he needs to do to obtain food and the occasional trinket for him and his sister. Naturally friendly, his transition into a life of hiding was a difficult one, and he still tries to remain polite with strangers, though recognizes that they should be avoided if possible. He had many friends on his homeworld and misses socializing dearly, staying strong in the hopes that he will once again see them some day.
hopeful . loving

Tries to look on the bright side of things. He thinks that he and Bella will be alright as long as they're smart about things. He loves his little sister a lot and will (or has) absolutely put her wellness before his own.
cautious . protective

Being on the run means he has to be especially careful. He can border on overprotective when it comes to Bella and, while such a thing is understandable, it will inevitably become a larger problem the older she gets.

closed . lonely

Pan doesn't want to burden Bella with his worries. He tends to bottle up his anxiety but knows he needs to remain strong for his little sister. He sometimes feels extremely lonely and, when these feelings overwhelm him, sobs with grief alone in the forest.


Pan was born on a strange planet where his species was the sole and dominant one. He worked, like many of his peers did, as a farmhand on an immense acreage. An agricultural society, they have no knowledge whatsoever of modern technology and so what happened to him and his family was especially frightening.

One day, he was pulled into a portal to Earth Major alongside the rest of his family and captured by researchers. Managed to escape the facility alongside his sister and originally planned to save his parents some day, but obeys their last request to him: "Leave us. Save yourselves." Hitched a ride over to Earth Minor where their authorities don't consider him worth persuing, but hides out regardless as agents from Major are still on the hunt for him. The legality behind Major's continuing to persue him despite him not being present on the planet anymore is dubious, but the government wants what it wants.

He currently lives with his little sister Bella in a rundown shack in the corner of the world, scraping by on whatever he can find for the two of them. His heavy scarring is a result of his escape from the facility his parents are still currently held in to this day.


  • Scars tend to almost "unheal" when he's under intense emotional distress. However, they bleed black instead of red.
  • Flower crown sometimes falls over his eyes, but he doesn't mind all that much. He has a good sense of smell and can typically sense what is nearby through it.
  • His bracelet was made for him by Bella. In canon he never takes it off, but feel free to draw him without it!

  • nature
  • family
  • walking
  • sunny days

  • bad weather
  • crowds
  • Earth Major
  • portals

  • great stamina
  • flexible
  • climbing
  • wicked bite

  • the cold
  • technology

Blood is bright red, luminous and very painful to the touch for anybody except himself and his direct family. It is extremely hot and somewhat sticky. He can regurgitate some of this blood and spit it at adversaries or coat his teeth with it if he's in a tight spot, though doesn't like to do this very much.


code by jiko | bg photo by Pexels

If I'm in trouble, you run and you don't look back. Promise me that, Babybell.


Bella is Pan's younger sister. His life forever changed when she was born, immediately taking a paternal role in her life, and he's had a great relationship with her ever since. She is his whole world and he would give up his life to keep her safe.

Their dynamic is rather typical for that of an adult with their baby sister. Pan cares for her as he would his own daughter, making sure she's always got what she needs and is provided a good amount of mental stimulation. When he's not foraging he's either playing or relaxing with her.

Leave us. Save yourselves.


Largely TBD. He respects his parents a lot and had a good relationship with them, good enough to the point where he knows that what they would want most of all is for he and Bella to honor their wishes.

Pan has occasionally wondered if there would be any safe way of reuniting with them. He's dreamt up a few possibilities, but has no plans of a rescue attempt until said schemes are entirely waterproof.

Epic quote time.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.