


6 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info




















"I'm protecting the food..."   --Ria

Riamu, known as Ria, is one of Akumu's spirits. He's the 6th spirit.

His main role is being an attacker body-to-body or/and in the distance.

ABILITIES: He can make his skin become metal and lengthen them, and when he does his body becomes very heavy since it's metal.

He can become many kind of metal, like steel, iron, etc.

He has a strong grip and he's very good body-to-body. Since he's heavy when he uses his power, he doesn't like to move much. He also doesn't move much in fighting, because of his weight and because he's lazy. He's very resistant, especially to pain.

He has really good reflexs and senses, and thinks very fast. He's a strategist and in fighting, Ria always tries to end up the fight the fastest possible.

WEAKNESSES: Ria is nyctophile and is vulnerable when he's a in pitch black. He doesn't know what to do and he's almost paralyzed. Even if someone may attack him, he would be way too scared to react and fight back.

Ria is afraid of heights, but he can support it.

Ria is also vulnerable against children, when they are around 12 and under, because he doesn't want to hurt them. Another reason is because it makes him think about his siblings and he would feel guilty of harming them. He's able to hit them but he wouldn't do it seriously because of his pride.

Ria doesn't like insects. He's also sensible and doesn't want to harm an animal, or at least the less possible. He would let the animal bite or hit him just in order not to kick it back.

He is weak when someone offers him something, anything, but especially food. Even if he knows it's a trap, he would easily fall for. He's also curious and polite and wants to take it.

PERSONNALITY: Ria is very calm and doesn't talk much. He's very phlegmatic and doesn't react much. He's lazy and doesn't like to talk much, so he makes very short sentences in general. He shows a deep interest in eating and training. He likes to fight against his allies, and considers it more like an entertainment than a real fight.

He also likes to sleep, to lie on the grass and to relax. When he's lying down, he's very lazy and usually doesn't want to get up. He can sleep for more than 12 hours. He has a light sleep, but he can fall asleep very easily. He gets bored very easily, and likes to focus on one thing before doing another thing. He can also act very shy, and hesitates a lot before asking someone for help, or something like this.

He usually wears his hood because he feels protected when he wears it, like a helmet or a blanket on him. Another reason is because he wants to hide his long hair, because he thinks people would make fun of it or try to grab it in fighting. He also wears a mask because he didn't want people to recognize him when he was a mortal, but now he's just wearing it by habit. He easily removes it, especially when he eats.

Ria easily apologizes, because somehow he cannot identify what's wrong and what's right, so each time he's getting scold he starts to apologize. He is also awkward with advices, and doesn't know how to interpret them. He stutters often.

Ria likes to play with the others, all types of games, but especially playing in the water or in the sand. He also likes hide and seek. When he gets bored, he usually goes to his friends and starts teasing them. Thanks to his dog DNA due to his mutation, he likes to walk and to play even more.

When he know his friends are unhappy, he will try his best to cheer them up if he can. He can act very forceful if there's a fight between two of his friends.

He's not very comfortable with heights but he hides it. He also doesn't like being in a forest, abandoned platforms, etc at night and darkness in general. He thinks it's scary and that he doesn't know what's around him, and is unable to move. That's what scares him. Pitch black scares him out and he starts to panick.

When he's scared, Ria stays motionless and stuck. Then he sits down and gets in a foetal position, because he feels safer that way, like he's being protected. He also bends his head in his arms, because he can't stand starring in the dark.

FACTS ABOUT HIM: (in progress)


Appeal's song: La Vie En Rose (English)

BACKGROUND (MORTAL LIFE): Riamu is from a family of 4 siblings, and he's the first child of them all. He has a little brother named Hyuga who's 7 years younger than him, another brother named Fuminori who's 9 younger than him and a little sister named Kimiko who's 12 years younger than him. Her mother is housewife. With his father, they are fighters at the Heaven's Arena and they both work hard to become stronger. Riamu trains since he's a child, and is used to this way of life. He's very proud of being a fighter at the Heaven's Arena with his father.

He used to wear a mask when he was outside to not let people recognize  him - he thought it was awkward and inconvenient at the same time.  Though, his nyctophobia doesn't have a real explanation, he simply  doesn't like the darkness. It became inconvenient when he trained with  his father in a cave and he was afraid of the dark, so he hid it to his  father and tried to move on, deciding not to show it anymore to anyone.

His father dies when Riamu reaches 17. Since that, it's Riamu who brought money for his family. Riamu has the memory of his siblings hugging and cuddling with him when he was coming back home. They all deeply admired him and that was making Riamu even prouder. He was also training them when he could, and he played with them. He always lived in a comfortable and lovely atmosphere and he only has good memories from his mortal life.

Thanks to his father, he managed to reach the 200th floor of the Heaven's Arena knowing a little bit of nen, but surely not enough. His first and last opponent is Akumu Lucilfer, which defeats him easily and kills him.

BACKGROUND (ANOTHER LIFE): Riamu wakes up in a dark and deep cave. Scared, panicked, Riamu tries first to find a light, then right after he hides his face in his arms, without knowing what to do. He thinks about his father, his mortal life. He remembers everything that happened, and wonders if he's dead, but he suddenly hears noises and that scares him even more. He's first being annoyed by unknown creatures that sniffle him - he couldn't identify them -, but he lets them do. After that, they started to bite him and Riamu instinctively repulse them. They kept attacking him and Riamu, upset, stood up. With caution, he tried to find a wall. He ends up finding one, but the wall is made of steel and even if Riamu would, he couldn't break it. Out of him, exhausted because of his nyctophilia, Riamu tries then to find the exit. He goes along the walls, getting still attacked by the creatures, that all of sudden attack him and are made of steel. The man still repulses them but not without hematomas. Starving, exhausted, Riamu had to walk while days, weeks, even months before finding the exit, the creatures attacking him without giving up. The sudden view of the light makes him cry, and the man instantly starts running through the pain to reach the exit.

(In progress)