Griffin dude's Comments

omg I'd love to give them a home on my ranch and have them wear glasses with a huge love of books and help teach others the things he read about. He'd probably end up doing most of the renovations around the farm and invent things to help it be easier to do everything that needs to get done. I don't think he'd actually protect any of the livestock but at the same time if anything were to happen he'd be so intimidating when he flies over that they'd probably run away before he even had to fight. which would be good because he's going to be very weak but highly intelligent. I think waayy further down the line in his story he might end up learning how to do magic (before this he'd have no magical affinity) by completing a main storyline quest. But he would realize how powerful his magic was until he's in a life or death situation and accidentally uses it.

oh wow, sure!! sounds good haha

Thank you!