


2 years, 5 months ago


Thirty-Three moons

What can you do when you know who you want to be is imperfect?


The reigning world of warriors rarely has room for purebred cats, Quietsnow is as mixed as they come. Despite her heritage, Quietsnow resembles closest to that of a snow-shoe cat.
Fur Colour
Chocolate & White

Splashes of differing shades of chocolate split down her beautiful face, richer in depth around her eyes and ears. Quietsnow is devised mostly of fresh ivory, generally untainted by the colours of the world. The subtle shade of fading beige saddles atop her back and runs like a stream down into her feathery tail. The short plumage of her whip like tail maintains a deep umber brown, fending off any remains of white she may bare.
Body Shape
Nimble & Trained

Quietsnow retains the slender yet defined frame of your averagely sized she-cat. She wears a resting furrow, appearing unapproachable to those she doesn’t know well. This pretty molly postures on a set of four dainty paws, smaller than average and well bred to give her a nimble edge. Despite her inherit beauty, there is an added charm that outlines her fearlessness, displaying an uptight stature and warning gaze wherever she may roam.

One of her most notable features is the striking illumination of her arctic blue orbs, dustings of vermillion fleck about her iris and serve as one of her most intimidating yet beautiful characteristics.

None yet but many to come.

Diligent . Fierce . Confident

The inherent ambition of a warrior seems to be rivalled only by the forceful drive living within Quietsnow. Ambition etches deep within her soul, coupled with a lack of empathy for the pitiful and lazy. Some would say she hasn’t changed from the fiery kit the clan knew her to be, although her drive is more precise now than it ever was. Within her daring gaze lives a fierce need for improvement and validation, Quietsnow never seems to falter in her quest for eminence and respect. With her superiority complex comes an innate temper, sharp as a thistle and relentless as an adder. The wiry molly, although lithe in stature, carries a powerful set of lungs and a reckless mouth to back them up.

Quietsnow believes in hard work and devotion to ones goals, believing praise and affection should only be dealt out as a means to reward. Perhaps one would give her the benefit of the doubt, arguing her wild nature exists purely due to the expectations thrust upon every warrior and the political maelstrom of AsterClan… a wiser cat would recognise that she’d be just as daring even without the hardships of clan life.

Judgemental . Crude . Indifferent

When she was a kitten, Quietsnow often disregarded the voices of older and more experienced warriors, however she silently listens for their words and adds their wisdom to her arsenal in hope of bettering the clan as a whole. She despises anybody who rakes her over with pity, the easiest way to enrage the hardworking Quietsnow would be to overcompensate with compassion.Quietsnow believes in hard work and devotion to ones goals, believing praise and affection should only be dealt out as a means to reward. She doesn’t harbour a maternal bone in her body, to catch her in a soft moment would be almost impossible.

Striving forward and shaping into an inspiring role model is all kits require, in her opinion, they would be better off without the doting and glorification that in the long run turns them into subdued versions of their greatest self.

Tempered . Cold . Malicious

When she was a kitten, Quietsnow often disregarded the voices of older and more experienced warriors, however she silently listens for their words and adds their wisdom to her arsenal in hope of bettering the clan as a whole. She despises anybody who rakes her over with pity, the easiest way to enrage the hardworking Quietsnow would be to overcompensate with compassion.

Within her daring gaze lives a fierce need for improvement and validation, Quietsnow never seems to falter in her quest for eminence and respect. With her superiority complex comes an innate temper, sharp as a thistle and relentless as an adder. The wiry molly, although lithe in stature, carries a powerful set of lungs and a reckless mouth to back them up.

the lore

The Beginning. . . 

With the blossoming fragrance of Greenleaf and the romantic atmosphere it commands, kittens always seem abundant. Gentle rays of a clouded sun spilled out onto the earth and warmed the confines of AsterClan’s nursery. Brittlesnow burrowed herself into the safe cavern of moss, milk and gentility as a nursing Quietkit mewled fussily against her soft belly. She came into the world under the protection of a devoted mother; a cat who had tried for countless moons to bear her own kittens but never seemingly being blessed before. Quietkit was born alone, a testament to the hardship of Brittlesnow’s quest for mothership. Although she was lonesome in her kitting, the little bundle of fur quickly adapted to her environment and developed into a wild flame; soothed only by the lullabies her mother sang. She wouldn’t be alone for long though, the tragic fall of Spottedlily left the estranged Willowkit without a mother and she would join the curious Quietkit as they shared the spoils of Brittlesnow. The two seemed to share an innate connection to one another, their friendship blossomed and the outgoing Quietkit was more than happy to have a companion to trail behind her. The pair often trudged into trouble together, having each other’s back in their endeavours as they grew.

Another important figure in Quietkit’s life was the burly Timberbreath, her sire and often her punching bag as a kitten. His imposing stature was adopted quickly, the chocolate youth imitating his stature in hopes of growing into a cat just as respected and powerful. Before her apprenticeship had begun, Quietkit often trailed behind her father and exercised the basics of training, their sessions ending with praise and stroking her growing ambitions. Eventually the time came where Quietkit became Quietpaw, Willowpaw following in short pursuit as the two maintained their closeness.

The Middle. . . 

There were times where the young she-cat worked herself to the bone, avoiding rest in hopes of getting in any spare hours she may need to excel in front of her competition. Everything seemed to be going smoothly for Quietpaw; until the loss of her lovely mother. Brittlesnow had been born with weak lungs and her health had never really served her lucky, she practised as a decent warrior and maintained a devotion to AsterClan… but this wasn’t enough. She remained in the medicine den for three moonrises, unresponsive and a shell of her former plump self. The medicine cat served her death berries on her third moonrise, evident that she would never wake from her slumber. Quietpaw, although a devout server to StarClan; came to resent medicine cats, blaming the steadfast decline of her treasured mother on their lack of ambition and knowledge. Before the fall of Brittlesnow, Quietpaw was easier to approach, ice soon enveloped her heart and she nurtured a deepening sourness that left her volatile and dangerous. Not even the friendly shoulder of a father she once admired could console this pain and her temper only worsened as the moons drug on.

Her friendship with Willowpaw seemed to remain intact though, their den mate bond looked like it could never be broken if it could survive the downfall of Brittlesnow. Her driven nature served her well and Quietpaw found herself a warrior a moon early; already having become a respected asset to the clan and a valuable feline to lay one’s trust in. Upon her ceremony she found the gall to demand her own name from Antlerstar and be named Quietsnow to honour her fallen mother. She adopted the title with pride and promised to forever protect and defend the clan her mother had entrusted to her. With her apprentice days behind her, Quietsnow only seemed to excel at life as a warrior. She woke at dawn and bunkered down at moonrise, persistent and loud in her pursuit of greatness. The praise she received from her clanmates fed into her ego and in time; Quietsnow existed as a product of her own belief. The friendship she’d held onto with the now named Willowwind hadn’t come into question… until now.

The Present. . . 

Antlerstar’s descent into old age was a painful process to watch, his judgement seemed skewed by the lost love of his mate and AsterClan silently grew angry with his unjust devotion to his daughter. Willowwind was praised for the little things, she needn’t work as hard for the things everyone else did, Antlerstar would’ve seen her as magnificent even if she’d been as lazy as a rat. Quietsnow found herself distancing from her former friend, unimpressed and earnestly offended by the way she carried herself. She’d come to believe Willowwind to be a mindless follower of her father, entrapped by the warm embrace of false favour. The day her friend was appointed deputy left the entire clan tense, Quietsnow had almost questioned his word publicly, but as the last remains of her respect for Willowwind faded; she bit her tongue. She continues to lead her life as a strong and devout warrior, intent on becoming the most respected cat in The Uplands; despite her growing disdain for the corrupt politics dictating her clan.


  • Lemmings
  • Patrolling
  • The Warrior Code

  • Willowstar
  • RiftClan
  • Marshes






Design Notes

  • Quietsnow generally saunters about with an indifferent or furrowed expression, rarely smiling unless she's totally comfortable.
  • Quietsnow is an averagely sized cat, larger than the runts but smaller than the bulkier warriors of AsterClan.

  • Quietsnow, while unashamed of herself, cannot fathom the embarassement of apologising to Willowstar. Her pride is too strong, going the unwanted mile and having kittens with a tom she dislikes.
  • Despite not harbouring a maternal bone in her body, Quietsnow was quite attached to her own mother. Brittlesnow was a doting and pleasant she-cat, her death hit the snowy molly quite hard.
  • Not one to get excited over many things, Quietsnow struggles to hide the smile on her face when presented with a fresh lemming. They're her favourite prey itmes and she refuses to waste a bite of them.
code by jiko | front image by artist | moodboard images from website