
8 years, 11 months ago


Name: Talented Creator

Nicknames: Tally (Bloodstream calls him that)

Species: Demigod (angel hybrid)

Age: 615+ years

Gender: Gender fluid

Pronouns: Any

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Magic/antimagic house: ???

Learned magic types: Hammer space, liquid form, transmogrification, umber

Residence: Heaven

Planet: Antimagicland

Occupation: Free-roaming god

Relationship status: Married to Bloodstream

Likes: Creativity, everyone getting along, painting, artwork, sleeping, his husband and child

Dislikes: War

Personality: Acts pretty naïve and child-like for his age. He doesn't have a good grasp on mortal customs, often leaving him confused. He gets frightened easily in a fight, and most of the damage he can do is from him losing control of his power. Many worship him as the God of Imaginative Spirit.

Backstory: He was created along with the other demigods in an effort to heal the relations between demons and angels. He greatly resented that, hating to be confined, and roamed the world while he grew and his powers as the Imaginative Spirit slowly grew. The Spirit of Temptation, Value, resented the gods for allowing Talent to wander freely ( they thought of Talent as harmless) and chased after him, 75 years after Talent's birth. It took 15 more years for Value to find Talent. What happened next was a battle that should have taken a month, but only took three days- Talent, in a panic, pummeled Value into (literal) dust and scattered him to the winds. This absolutely emotionally destroyed him, and he fled to Heaven seeking imprisonment for the rest of eternity. The other gods did not want this, but he went ahead, cast an ice spell on himself, then was flung into the arctic sea by a frost dragon. He would stay there until the Riftpocalypse.

To help control the elementals running wild and because the authorities of Heaven refused to do it, the Demonlord sent a younger demigod of his own faction to the North Pole to retrieve Talent from the bottom of the sea. That demigod was named Dark River of Blood, or his more common name, Bloodstream. Upon revival, it was shown that Talent's power had grown further during his 500-year imprisonment. He still remembered what he had done to Value and believed that he was a danger to everyone else. Demonlord offered to appoint Bloodstream as Talent's bodyguard, reassuring him that Bloodstream wouldn't let harm come to him. They fought against the elementals, in the name of Hell, in an effort to drive them back, with Talent proving himself to be a powerful fighter. He also began crushing on Bloodstream. It wouldn' t be until after the crisis of the Riftpocalypse that the two began dating, as the attraction was mutual. Many years after, the two decided to marry. This would result in the birth of Levi Red Paint.

Phobias: Large bodies of water could cause him to dissolve and have a difficult time reforming.

Relations: He is married to Bloodstream and is one of the parents of their child, Levi. He's friends with Prideless.