


6 years, 6 months ago


Gem type: Malachite.
Nickname(s): Mala, Macho mala, Mal,

Gem Placement: Stomach.

Alliance: TBA
Weapons/Abilities: Guandao. Super strength and minor hydrokinesis. Night vision. Toxic breath.

Malachite may be quite intimidating, with her large size and crooked teeth. But don't worry, she's a big softie who has a big passion for brawling. She loves to fight, but in a playful manner that scares off most gems. Sometimes she can get too excited about fighting and play rough, but that's just how she is. Malachite is real friendly towards others. She only shows her "inner warrior" personality around those she's comfortable with. With Strangers or Acquaintances, she acts very laidback and loving.

Fun facts:
*Often drools due to her teeth being very misshaped.
*Is one of TBA's best warriors.
*Likes to nap on her free time (and will gladly snore LOUDLY while doing so)

Backstory: Malachite was born in a experimental kindergarten from another galaxy. The Ministry assume Malachite to be a test if they could develop a gem who's capable being a monstrous beast, but can still be controlled. Malachite proved to be successful, but at an unfortunate cost- After some inspection, TBA found out that Malachite's gem is slowly degrading from the inside out.. Though by slow, I mean very sloooow. She has yet to feel the symptoms of her gem "dying". She also possesses unique abilities because of this, like night vision, and having a very toxic fume that comes out of her mouth. (only harmful to organic life. To the other gems she just stinks lol) Though only time will tell when Malachite becomes nothing but a bunch of inanimate pebbles. In the meantime she uses her excessive abilities to do a multitude of things like building, training, and heavylifting.