
2 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Only known as Databend




Somewhere between 17-20


looks human

Favorite color


Aesthetic inspiration

webcore, dreamcore, weirdcore, analogue horror

Main characteristics

Loyal, reserved, self-proclaimed internet historian


Not much information is known of them due to a lack of verbal communication, and though they are perfectly capable of vocalizing, It's not a common in public, they would rather display images through their screen. Known to be quite at first and rather shy in public. Tho Online they are capable of showing off their little chaotic personality. To their small group of friends, Bend is a ray of sunshine, saying whats on their mind most of the times ends in some weird conversations yet somethingthe group will always have fun with. Unfortunately, they will often put their loved ones in a pedestal and defend them over anything. For this reason they often come out as a bit obsessive and possesive over people they like a bit too much. Going by this, when they love someone above average, they will act possesively and paranoid, though they sre aware of that and will make their best efforts to contain themselves. The internet amuses them and have a vast knowledge of its history and its well aware of its ways. Being so much time online, they have gained a given appreciation for good ol' internet horror and are pretty much desensitied to shock content. They got an odd fixation on goats.