Basic Info


Destiny Ketchum

Name (Japanese)

サダメ [Sadame]







Eye colour


Hair colour



Unknown (Civil Registration set as Mauville City)


Vermilion City


30th September


Unknown (Civil Registration set as Hoenn)




Goh (adoptive father), Ash (adoptive father), Chloe (godmother), Delia (Ash-side adoptive grandmother), Camille (Goh-side adoptive grandmother), Walker (Goh-side adoptive grandfather), Halta (Goh-side adoptive great grandmother)

AU Debut

Future timeline

Pokémon Spirit


Imagined English voice actor


Imagined Japanese voice actor

Kanako Yoshii

Imagined Portuguese voice actor



Destiny (Japanese: サダメ Sadame) is Ash and Goh's adoptive daughter. Her goal is to become a Pokémon Top Ranger.



Destiny is found as a newborn by Ash and Goh during one research task on Mauville City's outer ring. The girl is bare, soaked, with a high fever and struggling to breath, surrounded by three wild Pokémon that try everything to keep her body warm, waiting for humans to appear and save her life. Alarmed by her advanced hypothermia condition, Ash and Goh interrupt their Cerise Laboratory research task and bring the girl immediately to Mauville City's hospital, known to have the best paediatric wing of the nation. She gets interned for two weeks in the intensive care unit under the supervision of Dr. Aida, an experienced paediatrician doctor.

As treatments take place, the Hoenn Police Department is reported on the finding of the girl and investigations happen in parallel to identify and localize her biologic family. The lack of clothes and the hospital's medical confirmation that Destiny is less than a week old, if not just one or two days old, makes it plausible for the police the hypothesis of an abandoning. On the other hand, the southern regions of the nation had been recently affected by rainstorms and tumultuous seas, destroying some towns and villages with violent floods, making it equally likely that Destiny could have lost her biologic family and survived the floods. Due to the insufficient information and clues. the case is archived and since then her origins remain as an unsorted mystery. The hospital gets official orders to transfer the newborn to Mauville's orphanage for the adoption lists as soon as the newborn gets discharged.

Dr. Aida, who also happens to be the city's orphanage director, aware of Ash and Goh's regular and emotive visits to the ICU decides to inform the couple about the police report on the case and the fate of the child once she recovers. She doesn't hesitate in encouraging them to sign for an official adoption request upon their instant showcase of interest, without revealing her professional role on the institute and how she will ease the bureaucratic process to claim the newborn. Two weeks later, Ash and Goh return to the hospital to pick up Destiny after receiving a letter of authorization of adoption and the hospital's phone call that the girl is officially discharged. Once the boys pick up Destiny with legal authorization, the paediatrician ask them out of great curiosity about the reasons of showcasing such a strong emotional connection to the baby despite of not having any sort of family or proximate connection with her. They explain about their spiritual bond with Solgaleo and Lunala and the coincidence that shortly after the girl's fever lowed down, her cheeks revealed marks that were very identical to a Cosmog's ones; and also how their hearts felt an unexplainable mixture of feelings. As if it was part of destiny, Ash decides to name her after this fateful encounter.

Destiny lives in Vermilion City in a medium-sized apartment with her adoptive parents and passes most of the time in Goh's office in Cerise Laboratory during work hours at her the first two years of life, where she would sleep in a crib borrowed by the Cerise family or play on the floor. She is taken on regular strolls in Cerise Park or in the city's green spaces. Chloe, appointed as a godmother in the first evening Destiny was brought to Vermilion City, sometimes takes care of her for an day or an evening either when Ash or Goh are absent from home due to their jobs or simply in extreme need rest. Alternatively, she stays on Pallet Town under the guard of Delia, or more rarely in Camille and Walker's apartment. After turning two years old, Destiny progressively stays longer periods of time in Cerise Park playing with Pokémon and helping out in the laboratory's chores and in some of the institute's researches as she grows up. 

At the age of six, Destiny begins to watch Ash battling live and to go on a few safer research missions of Cerise Laboratory to know better the work environments of her parents. She enters on the same school that Goh and Chloe frequented before and gets lost in the first field trip by tracking down a noise of a crying Pokémon that nobody else could hear. The girl finds inside a cave a wounded rare Pokémon in Kanto region, a female Abra, that is the hunting target of a inhabiting Golbat. Destiny saves Abra's life by using her knowledge about Golbat's evolutionary chain to her advantage. Such action provokes the entire flock and its Crobat leader that orders a pursuit to the girl upon Abra helping her escape a dead-end through Teleport. Destiny works together with Abra in an attempt to avoid that her classmates and school staff get attacked by Crobat's colony and everyone gets ultimately rescued by her parents. Ash and Goh are positively surprised when the teacher tells them that the girl managed to command a wild Pokémon, unusual in such young age, and by the fact that the Abra only asked help to Destiny through telepathy. Acknowledging the immediate bond settled by both the Pokémon and the child, Goh catches Abra and promises to pass down its ownership to his daughter after she obtains a Trailer's License.

Destiny's dreams are still undefined by the time she's about to turn ten and feels some social pressure because of the successful careers and influence levels of her parents' in their professional fields and vents out her concerns with Chloe, who relates with the sentiment. She eases Destiny by ensuring it's something to think well and not rushing as her purpose will flourish with time. Ash and Goh reassure that afterwards. Motivated by her parents' legacy and by the stories that they've told her about their adventures during youth she decides to departure on a journey alone with Abra through Kanto region after she's officially a Pokémon Trainer as a way to understand better the surrounding world and to live experiences that can help her figure out what's her future goal. She travels to every region that her parents' travelled before to train, catch Pokémon and battle Gym Leaders to hone her skills. Despite of enjoying both styles they aren't heir main focus and as such she doesn't participate in the Pokémon League championships nor fills her Pokédex log of the Rotom Phone. An anticipated return to home takes place after losing a Gym Challenge for the first time, at Saffron City. Overwhelmed by her defeat, she almost gives up on her travelling on her own and challenging Gyms. Ash and Goh prepare her for a rematch by evolving her Kadabra to Alakazam and training her team and herself, in which she succeeds to get a Soul Badge in the end and continue to get the region's Gym Badges. At the end of her journey through Kanto region, Destiny finds a Silver Wing and sights a Lugia on distance. This encourages her to explore the Orange Islands and Johto region after her travelling pause.

After her journeys to Sinnoh region, she is the only Trainer of the world that's documented to have an Alakazam that possesses Battle Bond ability, previously thought to be exclusive to a niche number of Greninja. Goh names that special form as Destiny-Alakazam to share the same nomenclature principle of Pokémon that have Battle Bond. She gets special and intense training from Ash to be able to unlock full potential and have full control on this temporary form of her Alakazam.

She finds a lost Cosmog at Alola region in which she takes to the Kukui family and tell her to contact Aether Foundation to help in the search for its parents. Rotom Dex offers assistance after being reported some sightings of an agitated Solgaleo and Lunala couple. Hope also collaborates on Destiny's quest to find Cosmog's family and to confront Team Eclipse, a criminal organization determined to fulfil goals that weren't reached by the long-dismantled Team Kings. Destiny successfully returns Cosmog back to its parents and they reward her by teaching Alakazam the move "Cosmic Power" in which normally the evolutionary chain cannot learn.

The rewarding experiences in rescuing Pokémon during her adventures and inspired by the sense of mission of protecting nature makes Destiny discover her true dream as a Pokémon Trainer: to become a Pokémon Ranger of Top ranking. Her taste and knowledge about Pokémon biology, battling and catching are few other reasons that weight on her motivation to subscribe to Almia region's Pokémon Ranger School once she turns fifteen years old.

Destiny is promoted by the Ranger Union as a Top Ranger at 19 years old and while as a Rank 5 Ranger, one year after graduation, upon clearing a particularly difficult rescuing mission while showcasing undeniable courage and performance during her duty. She's also one of the fewest Rangers in the world to be able to use Involiths to summon the help of a certain Pokémon such as Delta (Her Shiny Latios) and Goh's Suicune. At a point of her adult life, she saves Ash's life and rescues a wild Mew, befriending the Pokémon and reuniting it with Goh. Thanks to her, he manages to accomplish a childhood dream of registering Mew to the Pokédex and study him for some time before the two collectively return Mew to the wilderness.


Destiny is a kind and intelligent girl that possesses a great sensibility towards Pokémon, a trait that has been brought to attention to her school teacher after observing her once when she's six, spending the whole recess time to find out the nest of a fallen baby Pidgey. Her personality is a balanced mix of traits of her adoptive parents and equally shares a great passion towards Pokémon. Her regular interaction with these creatures allowed her to learn how to communicate with over forty different evolutionary chains by the time she becomes a Pokémon Trainer, and to acquire knowledge above average for a kid of the same age. This same ability was recognised by the Cerise Laboratory staff in a way that she is sometimes asked for intervention to ask for a Pokémon's cooperation or to calm them down for studies, researches or routine tasks. 

At the first months of life, she's a baby with a fragile health being often sick. Additionally, she has trouble to fall asleep and cries a lot at night and her parents make turns at each evening to sing her a lullaby that differs depending on the singing parent. Ash sings an adapted version of his mother's lullaby and Goh sings an ukulele and piano instrumental melody composed by Hope in purpose for him to hum that she calls the "Chant of the Moone", inspired by her friends affinity towards the Alolan culture and how they nickname their daughter as their "Little Cosmog". Destiny fears thunderstorms at first, making her afraid of Pikachu for some time when figuring out he could release electricity. With time and patience, she loses that fear and Pikachu begins to sleep most of times on Destiny's crib once the family realises that the Pokémon's presence makes her feel calmer and helps to fall asleep.

As a young child she's energetic and likes to do physical games with her dad (Ash) like racing, climbing trees, swimming and playing baseball, allowing her to develop athletic abilities. To match her energy levels, she reveals early to have a great appetite for food. Becoming hungry can sometimes make her go through a temporary state of obliviousness and obtuseness. She loves to do pranks to family members and to close people. Although she isn't physically very strong, she's agile and quick, making it challenging for people at times to catch her when running away. She likes to sleep a lot and having no schedules for waking up.

Destiny is also highly curious and has thirst for knowledge, reading a lot of books and consuming documentaries and other media with edutainment value, often asking questions to her pa (Goh). Her regular visits to Cerise Laboratory made her learn how to use computers and other types of technology and her Goh's side grandparents occasionally ask her to try out some gadgets to test out their software. Destiny also shows a sharp capability to solve problems, recurring both to creativity and knowledge.

As she approaches the age to become a Pokémon Trainer, her energetic side tones down and begins to show more timidness as well some difficulty to interact with strangers due to her lack of socialization outside of the family, Cerise and Pokémon circle. She's bullied by some classmates on the first year of school due to this, for not having a mother and because of her very high interest about Pokémon, a situation that stopped after standing up against the Golbat flock in the first field trip and showing all her bravery and altruism. She also begins to feel the need to show she's a grown and a dependable child, so she prefers her nickname to be changed to "Little Cosmoem" instead. Although everyone continues to call her "Little Cosmog", Delia offers her a Cosmoem vest and the Kukui family offers her a Cosmoem-shaped hair-tie gem for her tenth anniversary. 

Despite of being essentially individualist as a traveller she doesn't refuse the help of other Trainers or figures of trust and won't hesitate in helping out someone in need. Destiny often feels homesick during her journeys and makes regular video calls with her family as a way to maintain a resilient attitude.


On hand

Abra → Kadabra Alakazam♀  Destiny-Alakazam (Most of Sinnoh journey and onwards)

                                                     ↔ Mega Alakazam (During her Hoenn journey only, and early Sinnoh journey)


Spearow♂ → Fearow♂

Poliwhirl♂ → Poliwrath♂








Ash's Lapras

Latios   (Nicknamed Delta)

Ash's Pikachu

Goh's Cinderace


Goh's Suicune

Diverse other Pokémon from her parents

Travelling with

Rotom Phone

Go-Go Systems USB Stick 


Kanto Badges

  • Boulder Badge (Forrest)
  • Cascade Badge (Misty)
  • Thunder Badge (Visquez)
  • Marsh Badge (Sabrina)
  • Rainbow Badge (Erika)
  • Soul Badge (Janine)
  • Volcano Badge (Blaine successor)
  • Earth Badge (Giovanni successor)

Orange Archipelago Badges

  • Coral-Eye Badge (Cissy)
  • Sea Ruby Badge (Danny)
  • Spike Shell Badge (Rudy)
  • Jade Star Badge (Luana)

Johto Badges

  • Zephyr Badge (Falkner)
  • Hive Badge (Bugsy)
  • Plain Badge (Whitney)
  • Fog Badge (Morty)
  • Storm Badge (Chuck)
  • Mineral Badge (Jasmine)
  • Glacier Badge (Pryce successor)
  • Rising Badge (Clair)

Hoenn Badges

  • Stone Badge (Roxanne)
  • Knuckle Badge (Brawly)
  • Dynamo Badge (Wattson successor)
  • Heat Badge (Flannery)
  • Balance Badge (Max)
  • Feather Badge (Winona)
  • Mind Badge (Tate and Liza)
  • Rain Badge (Juan)

Frontier Symbols

  • Knowledge Symbol (Noland)
  • Guts Symbol (Greta)
  • Tactics Symbol (Tucker)
  • Luck Symbol (Lucy)
  • Spirits Symbol (Spenser successor)
  • Ability Symbol (Anabel)
  • Brave Symbol (Brandon)

Sinnoh Badges

  • Coal Badge (Roark)
  • Forest Badge (Gardenia)
  • Cobble Badge (Maylene)
  • Fen Badge (Crasher Wake)
  • Relic Badge (Fantina)
  • Mine Badge (Byron)
  • Icicle Badge (Candice)
  • Beacon Badge (Volkner)

Unova Badges

  • Basic Badge (Cheren)
  • Toxic Badge (Roxie)
  • Insect Badge (Burgh)
  • Bolt Badge (Elesa)
  • Quake Badge (Clay)
  • Jet Badge (Skyla)
  • Freeze Badge (Brycen)
  • Wave Badge (Marlon)

Kalos Badges

  • Bug Badge (Viola)
  • Cliff Badge (Grant)
  • Rumble Badge (Korrina)
  • Plant Badge (Ramos successor)
  • Voltage Badge (Clemont)
  • Fairy Badge (Valerie)
  • Psychic Badge (Olympia)
  • Iceberg Badge (Wulfric successor)

Alola Trials

  • Verdant Cavern trial (Ilima)
  • Melemele Island grand trial (Hau)
  • Lush Jungle trial (Mallow)
  • Brooklet Hill trial (Lana)
  • Ruins of Life trial (Olivia)
  • Akala Island grand trial (Kiawe)
  • Hokulani Observatory trial (Molayne)
  • Thrifty Megamart trial (Acerola)
  • Ula'ula Island grand trial (Hope)
  • Seafolk Village trial (Mina)
  • Poni Island grand trial (Hapu)

Galar Badges

  • Grass Badge (Milo)
  • Water Badge (Nessa)
  • Fire Badge (Kabu)
  • Fighting Badge (Bea)
  • Fairy Badge (Bede)
  • Rock Badge (Gordie)
  • Dark Badge (Marnie)
  • Dragon Badge (Raihan)

Paldea Badges

  • Bug Badge (Katy)
  • Grass Badge (Brassius)
  • Electric Badge (Iono)
  • Water Badge (Kofu)
  • Normal Badge (Larry)
  • Ghost Badge (Ryme)
  • Fairy Badge (Tulip)
  • Ice Badge (Grusha)

Voice samples

Japanese: Kanako Yoshii

English: ?

Portuguese: ?


  • Her name is compatible with the naming tradition of Goh's family, which is related to locomotion vocabulary. However, Ash didn't remember this fact when he named her.
    • Destiny originally thought her name was after the Destiny Knot object because of its existence in the trophy room of the apartment.
  • The Civil Registration of her birthdate is 30th September, matching the day Ash and Goh found her.
    • It's also the date of her first appearance in a drawing (2020).
  • Destiny's hair colour is the result of the combination of blue and red, colours that are canonically linked for Ash and Goh respectively.
    • Sometimes red threads of hair grow instead of the normal colour.
  • Her cheek marks, while not equally shaped, they closely resemble Cosmog's ones.
    • It's one of the reasons that made her earn the nickname "Little Cosmog".
    • They can morph into Ash's shape for a short period of time, mostly triggered unconsciously when adopting a behaviour of her parent. In similar circumstances, her eyebrows can take a shape after Goh's.
  • Her heart-shaped hair bunches grow with time and they symbolise the love that Ash and Goh gave when raising her. 
    • This meaning is reinforced by the point she begins wearing a blue and a red hair-tie on them. The long pony-tail that grows at later childhood intentionally resembles a shooting star's tail.
  • Destiny's baby catchphrase vocalization is "Ao".
  • Her Cosmog onesie is a present given by Professor Burnet at her first month of life, delighted by the "Little Cosmog" nickname.
  • When she's a baby, listening to the sounds of cries of a Cosmog makes her laugh and stop crying.
  • Ash showed Destiny's first pacifier in public after winning a championship to devote his victory to her daughter. Since then it was saved on his trophy room.
  • Destiny's original fear as a baby is thunderstorms, which is replaced later for ghosts at young childhood. The presence of wild Poison-type Pokémon give her anxiety.
  • Her first word to say is "Mon", an abbreviation of Pokémon.
    • Although she spends more time with Goh, the first parent she calls is Ash by saying "Dada". Only sometime later she begins calling Goh by saying "Papa".
  • She's part of the Cerise Laboratory's staff and detains the title of the youngest Research Fellow that has ever joined the institute, beginning to help with studies when she's fifteen months old.
  • Her favourite toy is a Substitute Doll that belonged to Ash in his childhood. She names it as "Mr. Substitute" and sleeps with it because she finds it easier to fall asleep grabbed onto it. For that same reason it's an item she brings with her in her Trainer travels.
  • She's got a sweet-tooth, being chocolate her favourite food and will do almost anything to be able to eat one.
  • Destiny hates broccoli.
  • Her favourite colour is Red.
  • Destiny likes to sing when alone and is particularly fond of the themes she hears her dad sing. 
    • She sings Ash's themes when looking for inner inspiration and courage.
  • Her Cosmoem vest and gem hair-tie are presents given at her tenth anniversary by Delia and Professor Burnet, respectively. 
    • Her gear also contains pink and light blue stripes due to being present colours on the same Pokémon specie.
  • Destiny carries a different cap of Ash in each region she visits to serve as a lucky charm and to help fight part of her homesickness.
  • Her only nicknamed Pokémon is Latios because of being a Shiny Pokémon. She named him "Delta" as a reference to the triangle symbol on his chest and to the Delta Wings.
  • The Unova badges are the only ones that differ on the models when compared with Ash's ones that he obtained before.
  • Her Galar Gym Challenge jersey number is 790, due to being the National Pokédex number of Cosmoem.
  • She knows how to play a bit of harmonica thanks to Ash.
Evolutionary Chain Languages she's known to have learnt (by the time she turns 10 years old)
  • Pichu - Pikachu - Raichu
  • Scorbunny - Raboot - Cinderace
  • Eevee (And the Eeveelutions)
  • Yamper - Boltund
  • Magnemite - Magneton - Magnezone
  • Paras - Parasect
  • Sentret - Furret
  • Riolu - Lucario
  • Litten - Torracat - Incineroar
  • Cyndaquil - Quilava - Typhlosion
  • Aerodactyl
  • Mime Jr. - Mr. Mime - Mr. Rime
  • Dratini - Dragonair - Dragonite
  • Farfetch'd - Sirfetch'd
  • Dracovish
  • Gastly - Haunter - Gengar
  • Abra - Kadabra - Alakazam
  • Trapinch - Vibrava - Flygon
  • Elekid - Electabuzz - Electivire
  • Chikorita - Bayleef - Meganium
  • Sobble - Drizzile - Inteleon
  • Grookey - Thwackey - Rillaboom