Banan's Comments

Are they still available for purchase? 

Hello! They are :D For this guy you can just send the payment over to [email protected] on paypal. Once payment is received I will transfer him to you. 

Thank you so much I’ll send it right now 

Awesome thank you! And the original seller always sets the permissions to cannot be sold altho they can which is very troublesome. 

But you can always reupload them. They don't have that much art. If you plan to be a part of the community then I am happy to contact the masterlist but you would need a DeviantArt account.

I have a deviantart account and I’m actually in their discord as well please definitely contact with the master list 

I understand they are on hold for someone else but if it ever possibly opened up again I would offer to buy this guy too 💙

Hello! They are on hold until March 3rd! If I do not hear back from the original offer then I will be sure to let you know. <3

Thank you as well