Mr. Darsy



2 years, 5 months ago




Masterlist Link | GreenAnaconda #137


  • Name _____ Darsy
  • Nickname Mr. Darsy
  • Gender Male
  • Orientation Heterosexual
  • Age 302
  • Species Rubasyn
  • Height 17 ft tall
  • Affiliation Unaffiliate
  • Aura Level Low
  • Occupation Scientist and Surgeon
  • Theme Unknown
  • Aesthetic Unknown
  • Designer Toothlessdrgon


  • necarus eyes [c]
  • wrist latchclaws [c]
  • confetti ribbons[c]
  • p ear 1 [c]
  • p elbow 1,2[uc]
  • crocodile tail[r]
  • scaled thighs[r]
  • scaled back[l]


  • None


33237177_ChwRg1CMNOLQgQU.png 33237187_Ni89pzhoU0R5Tum.png 33237196_1zDDdzmpqqlwyOO.png


resourceful | ambitious | disciplined
callous | evasive | materialistic

Darsy is a somewhat friendly Rubasyn and likes talking with those with similar interests to him, even if he doesn't show how docile he is. He would rather flee than fight, though isn't afraid to throw his weight around if necessary. He is agreeable and has charm with the way he speaks, and will not openly argue with someone. He knows what he knows and doesn't pretend to know anything he is unfamiliar with. He has very dry humor and doesn't try to be funny if he can help it. He can get flustered and light headed if nervous or around someone he likes particularly well.


Darsy has low aura, and possesses no magic or unnatural abilities.

NATIVE LOCATION | Falhalt, Braeyc


Born in Braeyc and surrounded by a mix of both old and new architecture, Darsy was interested in the newest technology from a young age. His parents believed he had a strong start and brilliant mind and helped him with his ventures until he set out to move, supplying him with enough money and food to make the journey alone on foot and by boat. He lived in Fox Isle where he worked until he had more money on top of what his parents could spare, then moved to work with other scientists in Steam City.


Backstory ||

Born in Braeyc and surrounded by a mix of both old and new architecture, Darsy was interested in the newest technology from a young age. His parents believed he had a strong start and brilliant mind and helped him with his ventures until he set out to move, supplying him with enough money and food to make the journey to Nox alone on foot and by boat. He lived in Fox Isle where he worked under a lefika's wing for herbal studies. Once he had more money on top of what his parents could spare, he said fairwell to his lefika companion and once again started moving towards his beloved city. Once there, he applied to work in a lab studying aura fluctuations in ptithians. He worked as an unpaid intern for a few months before being hired fully, and quickly climbed the ranks in the scientific community. It wasn't long before he was givin administrative powers and his own lab, and started to head down a darker path.

Not long after he was given his lab he was approached by a rubasyn with an offer- more caq than he could dream of if he'd offer his medical and scientific knowledge. It was a promising offer and he took it quickly, wishing to send caq back home to his parents who were struggling to stay on their own feet. That agreement brought him to the underworld of Nox, where he started to do things that other scientists in his field refused to do. However, these acts didn't seem too harmful, and he used some of the results from both illegal experiments and operations in his own theories and legal experiments. He currently studies the possibilities of increasing or transferring aura between ptithians, through experiments and surgeries that anyone would find horrific. He does more casual operations however, such as body modifications and creating top of the line proesthetics for those who sell such.



Paternal/Maternal relationships
His parents were supportive of his endevors as he grew up, and helped him in any way he could when he left for Nox. He is in touch with them almost daily and they are proud of what he has become, though he hides his more illegal studies. He is aware of their financial status and sends caq to them every week.


An older lefika he worked under in Fox Isles for several months, Ufyti is a paitent and kind soul. She allowed him to take shelter within her home and put him to work quickly, and he took act as an apprentice. She worked as a blacksmith and he helped her with creating sheet metal she sold off to the Steam City and others on Fox Isle. Darsy doesn't keep contact with her anymore, but visits her when he's in the area.


A fitingly named melanistic rubasyn morshin, Salem is Darsy's bad influence. He convinced the rubasyn to join him and get rich in his illegal business, with the promise for riches beyond the imagination. They became quick business partners once Darsy agreed hesitantly, and they are often seen walking together in Nox discussing potential clients and Darsy's theories. Salem is highly intelligent yet not within the public scientific field for good reason.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.