


6 years, 7 months ago


Yume is from my closed species the Kutama, she has a pretty tragic backstory ;w; for some reason I do this to all my characters.

Yume Vaein Kuro (She doesn't remember her real name, this  name was given to her.)

Age: Died at 18 years old, her soul has been living for about 10,000 years.

Race: Kutama

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 120lbs

Hair color: White that ombres into an icy blue

Eye color: Right eye is green, left eye is red.

Skin tone: Dark pale blue(almost black)

Clothing: Her party dress the night of her murder- Blue and purple dress with purple sleeves, one sock is smaller than the other since it was cut off during the attack, and purple boots.

Scars/tattoos/etc: She has two large vertical scars going down her back, face markings are to resemble slash and stab marks.

Personality: Sadist, mean, selfish, greedy, playful, chaotic evil, yandere, clingy,

Likes: gore, pain, others pain, consuming souls, tormenting people, Human food, instrumental music,

Dislikes: Humans, pastel, happy things, children, good things, light, any music that isn't instrumental,

Weapons: Cutting knife, Tails, Spirit spear,

Spirit Spear(soul weapon): Each Kutama has a Soul weapon, Yume's is a spear. Their first trapped soul gets sucked into their weapon of choice and then they use that to kill people it acts as a conduit to their realm sending the souls there. They can talk with the spirit, depending on how they killed and how depends on how the spirit is used and how helpful it is.

Powers: Can summon pocket dimension/portal whenever she pleases, Dream walk- Can invade someone's dream and lure their soul to her pocket dimension and lock them there, Life shift- Can shift into any living thing, after about a week it takes two full days to charge back up to full power.

Skills: can sense someone's motives and feelings right away, she has a good diplomacy when it comes to people,

Abilities: Levitation when in normal form, Summon weapons- Can summon up to four different weapon types, Tail fury/Tail attack- Can attack or use tails to aid self,

neg-Abilities: Animals wary- No animal will like or befriend due to the corruption and evil running through a Kutama, Sleepless- Can't sleep or dream. Can meditate or go into a trance state, Child's fear- No child under the age of five will like or befriend a Kutama they can see through the Life shift,

Yume's backstory(it's mature-ish content so beware):

Yume died a couple days before her nineteenth birthday, she was stabbed by a group of her classmates late at night. They were all saying their farewells to one another as they were all separating to go on with their lives. They all got drunk and after some fun they all began fighting and calling each other out on things, after awhile it was Yume's turn. The only issue is none could remember her wronging them, not a single thing she did ever hurt anyone and that made them angry. After awhile they ganged up on her and took turns with the knife they had used to cut the game they killed prior to their late night feast. They stabbed her until they were satisfied but she still clung onto life, she lost her eye and was severely bleeding they buried her alive since she wouldn't die. After she finally let go from suffocating she found herself in front of a God who brought her into a land that seemed bright and beautiful, she hadn't felt so at peace before. 

Something nagged at her though, she needed something else than just this. She wasn't ready to rest yet and she knew deep inside what she wanted, she approached one of the people where she resided and asked them if it were possible to go back to a previous life.  They explained it was possible to go back but not as you were nor could you interact with anyone, upset by this she tried to find more information regarding this. When she finally followed a rumor she found she had been so pure in life she didn't get an option at what others who were now here did; Revenge. She realized that was the feeling she had been feeling, the thing seeding into her core. She found the God that brought her here asking why she too didn't get the choice only to be told that she passed the human realm with such purity that she didn't need to be challenged as such and the six wings on her back told of her deeds they were what represented power in this realm.

Steaming mad she walked and walked, she didn't look up around herself until she ran into something. Looking up she noticed she had walked herself into some room of holding, she saw weapons and clothing along with orbs that seemed to have memories in them from what she could tell. She saw one that read her name, racing to it she grabbed it and looked into the orb after reliving them memory she took the knife that was placed next to the orb and began carving her wings out of her back. She screamed in agony the whole time by the time the God had gotten to her she had cut all six of them off, he looked at her with great sadness as a shadow rose from the floor. A dark woman stood there once the figure was form, she"offered" Yume revenge for her past. Seeing as Yume had no other choice now but to leave the realm which she had forsaken, she took the Goddess's hand and left. 

Once she was there in place of her wings there were large scars on her back and she had three tails that have one tail each sprouting off of them. She obtained revenge and gave it to them slowly, they all now sit in her pocket dimension slowly their souls being sucked away and her terrorizing them for as long as she can until they are ultimately consumed by her.