Mitsu Ueno




Mitsu Ueno
species human
age 16 (2005), 19 (2008), 28-29 (2017-18)
gender male
pronouns he/him
orientation pansexual
height 5'1
build info
job toman ('05, '17), music shop owner ('18)
song info

designed by bakaqeyama
species creator no species
purchased from sabhohl
value $25
trade/resell no

  • can be drawn with a casual outfit or the toman uniform
  • in the past has shorter hair but longer in the present
  • normally keeps it pulled into a ponytail when it's longer
  • wears more pastel colored clothing when not in uniform
  • always has two toned hair no matter what time period
  • the bandaid he wears is to cover a scar he got during one of his many fights with his birth parents


Mitsu is a member of the Tokyo Manji Gang as a part of the Second Division. He is also the older adopted brother of Takashi Mitsuya, and his former neighbor. Mitsu has been around since Toman was first formed, but didn't really have any interest in having an important role, deeming it as being far too much for him to deal with, especially since when it first founded was the time when he was moving in with Mitsuya. He later on befriends Takemichi Hanagaki when he first starts getting invited to Toman meetings.

Mitsu gets along with most of the Toman members pretty well, though he is more likely to stick to his main circles then speak to every single one of them. He also gets along with Hinata Tachibana and Emma Sano fairly well, and considers the two to be close friends of his. Despite his more frail appearance and his very colorful aesthetics, he's an extremely good fighter and shocks many opponents when they find this out.


Mitsu is fairly cheerful and upbeat, always having something to talk about, whether it be music, skateboarding, or anything along those lines. Though he does struggle a bit with opening up to people at first, the moment he does you won't be able to get him to shut up. He's very affectionate as well, very much the type to run up and hug someone as a greeting. He really enjoys telling jokes and messing around with the others, honestly he's pretty chaotic when he chooses to be. But he's still sweet at heart and will always be there the second someone needs help. In a way, he's kind of the opposite of what one would expect for a gang member to be like, but of course he can take things seriously and fight when needed.


Mitsu growing up was very confused about himself and his identity. Though he hid it fairly well from his parents due to him still have interests in more things that were considered to be "girly." It wasn't even until the age of 10-11 that he discovered what being transgender meant, and he wouldn't be until he was around 13-14 that he would realize that was indeed trans. It was something he had discovered due to the help of some of the more low income people where they lived actually being LGBTQ+, and he found himself stopping a lot after school to ask them questions about it. Though he didn't really know why until he was 13-14 and had a bit of an awakening. Unfortunately, his parents didn't take the news very well, and many, many arguments insued. Within a month his was kicked out his home, and overnight his parents had taken off since they had been originally planning to move anyway. His neighbor, Takashi Mitsuya had heard and seen the many events taking place, and while he tried to help Mitsu through it, wasn't able to do much until Mitsu was already kicked out. He informed his mother of the situation, and she welcomed him with open arms despite the situation they were in. Eventually, Mitsu was officially adopted into their little family. It was also during this time he was able to start transitioning, and even took on his new name, along with choosing the surname of one of the LGBTQ+ people he had been close to, since he felt like "Mitsu Mitsuya" didn't really sound all that right.

Once Mitsu got adjusted, Mitsuya began introducing him to the others. He got along with them fairly well, and even though he had been wary at first, they didn't judge him for being trans at all. He felt welcome, like he had found the family he should have had all along. And Toman became very special and important to him.

nahoya kawata// love interest

Gremlin boyfriends. The two love messing around and causing chaos together, though Nahoya is definitely much more aggressive than Mitsu when it comes to causing problems. Which is why Nahoya can be pretty protective over him despite knowing Mitsu can hold his own easily.

souya kawata// best friend

Due to their kind natures, Souya and Mitsu get along fairly well. Souya is one of the few people that Mitsu would never try to play any sort of prank on, and considers him to be one of the people he is closest to outside of Takashi.

takashi mitsuya// adopted brother

Mitsu and Takashi were originally childhood friends, so even before he became a part of the family they were like brothers to each other. Mitsu considers Takashi to be the person closest to him, and to be the person to save his life. He would do anything to protect him.
