Cherry Stripes



2 years, 5 months ago


Name: Cherry ‘Stripes’ Blossom (Known as Cherry Stripes or just 'Cherry') 

Age: Young Adult
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Species: Pegasus (Previously)
Personality: Blunt, Lazy, Sarcastic, Cheerful, Loyal and Brave
Height: Above average 

Background: Cherry was involved in an accident as a foal where she was irreversibly transmutated. As a result, she was the centre of attention and before she could even walk, she was an internet celebrity. Marketing campaigns, modelling gigs, television cameos and paparazzi were a routine part of her life well before she was into her teens.

As she grew older though, she became unhappy with how her life had been made into false smiles and clothing lines. She felt her accident had been exploited, her difficulties ignored or covered up. Becoming increasingly angry and hemmed in by a sea of contracts, Cherry sabotaged her own brand. Scandals, fights, spilling a tad too much tea on a late-night chat show… Oh she hadn’t gone off the rails, she knew exactly what she was doing. And it worked. One by one, contracts were cancelled, ‘free’ products stopped flowing her way and bit by bit, her golden cage fell apart until she was finally able to be herself.

By that point, the public was keen for a story and Cherry obliged. She needed to make a living somehow, and thus launched her livestreams. Gaming was something she had done before, with a false smile and a review that left a bad taste in her mouth, but now? she had control of the camera.

It took a while to break apart the false image the media had painted her as. And a while longer to wrestle with legal battles, but she got there. Now she uses her fame for charity and awareness. Her transmutation doesn’t come without its pitfalls and its alarming how many fillies and colts have nearly hurt themselves trying to be like her.  She speaks candidly about her previous life, but works hard to share her new one on her terms only, educating others on privacy and safety when it comes to the digital world – all the while mashing buttons as she plays the games she never got to growing up.


  • Cherry post-transmutation is an Omnivore. She eats fish and occasionally chicken. 
  • Cherry is a regular at the dentist. Her teeth were overcrowded as a child and her fangs did not fit well into her mouth. She knows everyone in the clinic on a first-name basis.
  • Cherry is annoyed her mutation skipped out on the claws. Claws are cool.
  • She is not a hybrid. She is technically a Chimera. 
  • The accident was a result of experimenting with ancient equestrian magic. (Cherry is set in the G5 timeline)