


2 years, 3 months ago


Name: Mortimer

Gender: Male - He/Him - Pansexual

Social Status: Rebellion leader turned overbearing king

Status: Deceased or Alive (depends on timeline)

Personality n stuff:  Extremely narcissistic. Manipulative and two-faced. Prissy and "look at me, I'm perfect." Outwardly he pretends to be the most morale and perfect person, making others fall head over heels for him.  When someone points out a flaw, error, or some wrong he has done he will maniuplate the conversation to demean and invalidate their point. If challenged he will do similar things, claiming one is too pathetic to stand up to his power and otherwise intimidating people with words. When he lead the rebellion against King Victor this side of his personality was less obvious as he hid it better in order to gain power and the trust of the rebellion but as soon as he was made king he was more brazen with his narcissism and eventually became the villain rather than the suposed hero. 

Other:  Mortimer is the first cousin of King Victor (Victor's Uncle's Son). Because of this he inherited the power of the royal bloodline. His power became the only one able to stand up to King Victor's power after Victor had killed nearly everyone with even a hint of power and blood from the royal bloodline (a few exceptions were made such as Eliza). Anyways Mortimer used this power to create and leader a resistance against the king. He lead them from behind the curtain, never being seen by the king's spies. Eventually one day, during a celebratory feast many people during the feast turned on the king, as rebels had infilrated the castle and Eliza turned on Victor (after being convinced by the rebellion).  Mortimer appeared and challenged the king, declaring his royal lineage and right to the throne. Eventually Mortimer gravely wounded/scarred the king and threw him violently over the edge of a balcony that overhung a chasm. Thinking he had killed the king he declared the throne his and that the oppressive rules were gone, supposedly bringing peace to the kingdom.

Over time though Mortimer began to abuse his power just like Victor had, and eventually surpassed Victor as Mortimer's self obsession and insistence on perfection and being all powerful grew beyond unbearable. He even turned on the rebels that once fought along side him, as he had broken their values entirely. Later on Victor returns and reclaims the throne, killing Mortimer.

(note//: he has some kind of illusion based powers. Whether that's something that deceives the senses of others or alters surroundings or conceals himself is to be determined. He doesn't have a power based on physical prowess or any such thing... it's more deceiving and underhanded. Thinking pinks for color scheme)