Son Ha-Yoon



2 years, 4 months ago


Son Ha-Yoon (often addressed by Ha-Yoongie by adorning fans)

Is the cutie boy/fashionista of the group, being a pro in the act of Aegyo (which is a Kpop term for  a cute display of affection often expressed through a cute voice, changes to speech, facial expressions, or gestures) he’s been known from news outlets to constantly be mistaken as the youngest of the group (which he isn’t) this also leads to many fans infantizing him to the point that he can do no wrong. He loves to jokingly bully other members up until Oliver knocks him down a few pegs. As the fashionista of the group he’s known to have coordinated some of the group members outfits for comebacks. Despite all the glamour, none of the fans nor members for that matter, know his true personality. He assures everyone that the way he acts on stage is in fact how he truly is but, fans continue to spectate this despite that.