


2 years, 4 months ago


Milo Lucero

"Darling I would love to chat, but I have to get ready. I have a show later."

Milo Lucero
Queer (He/They)
True Neutral
Circle of Stars Druid
Gay probably

Milo Lucero is a very famous performer and fashion influencer on what he dubs "The Upside." Milo pridefully holds his head high wherever they are, holding themselves to fairly high standards while in public places. He's flamboyant, loud, and unapologetically themselves wherever they go, kind only to those that respect him in return. They're a bit of a diva, and can be a bit bitchy when hungry or exhausted (which unfortunately for Milo is near constantly). He's kept very busy with his schedule, but they never complain about the abundance of work, only the effects of overworking. They're absolutely obsessed with astronomy and stargazing, and even with their very little downtime, Milo always makes this obsession of theirs a priority. 

As someone who is now fortunate enough to get as popular as he did, Milo's career started off fairly poorly. Growing up in the Underdark with his adoptive parents, Milo always had an interest in song and dance. It was one of the few vibrant colorful things in the otherwise drab and monster-filled cavern system, and Milo worked hard to make their career. In his mid-20s Milo had decided that he wanted his style to be promiscuous & risqué, something incredibly out of the box for someone as young as he was. When they tried to get signed for shows, they were immediately turned away due to their young age. Milo tried to do their own shows, but because he was under their 100-year coming of age ceremony, he and his efforts weren't taken seriously.

Sick of being looked down on, the young Drow gave themselves their own adult name; Milo Lucero. From there, the now-forty year old singer decided to leave the Underdark behind for The Upside. Elves may live for seven hundred years, but the humans that lived up top didn't, and Milo had a hunch humans didn't care that he wasn't a century old. Oh how right that theory was- a hot pop star that will stay young for hundreds of years? His contracts were signed immediately, and the jobs started pouring in. Because of the popularity, Milo became incredibly controversial within elven communities, inspiring other elves to rebel against the cultural guidelines while simultaneously gathering scorn from traditionalists. Milo has been performing on the Upside for a little over twenty years, and has grown a little accustomed to the privileges that come with being a star.

  • stargazing
  • sleeping
  • hearty foods & strawberries
  • shopping
  • performing
  • rain
  • eating in public
  • looking messy or unkempt
  • rumors about his boyfriend
  • elven coming of age ceremony

profile html by Hukiolukio