Piper Drake



2 years, 4 months ago



Human Form

Name: Piper Drake 


Age: 22

Height: 5’7

Eye color: brown

Hair color: dark at the roots, lighter at the tips

House: A used GMC RV inherited from her recently deceased uncle. 

Family: none (disowned)

Father: alive, relationship = tense

Mother: deceased

Uncle: deceased

Relationship status: unknown

Race: human werewolf

Birthday: July 15

Abilities: werewolf transformation, relatively handy with tools, high school diploma 

Likes: quiet places

Hates: her father


Born to a relatively well off family, there was nothing to indicate that Piper Drake was any different from the other children in the neighborhood. Her mother was a typical housewife, her father the typical hard working father, and she was the perfect average child. But as she grew up, things began to change. Fights between her parents became more and more common. Deep feelings of resentment began to fester. Everything changed when her mother passed away from a sudden illness. Her father became cold and distant. In the dead of night, Piper woke in a cold sweat, finding herself in the middle of the woods, not knowing what had happened to her.

After that night, something began to bubble up inside of her - a darkness, a feral darkness. In a fit of rage, she slaughtered a neighbor’s pet in the dead of night. Realizing what she was becoming, Piper began to research the strange affliction that she had developed, and discovered a newspaper from Timberline Falls that sounded eerily familiar. In haste, she scrounged up what little money she had and purchased a used GMC Motorhome from her deceased uncle and drove straight to Timberline Falls, hoping to find someone who knows what she was becoming… and to remove her werewolf “curse” permanently. 

Personality: Adventurous, Stubborn, Irritable 

While in the past, Piper Drake was a friendly good natured child, but over time as she reached her teen and young adult years, she had grown to be resentful and bitter about the world. As the werewolf curse began to spread through her, incredible pain shot through her body - a pain she tries to hide as she denies the changes happening to her. Because of this, she is irritable and often snaps back. She is tired of older people giving her suggestions on what to do with her life. Some say her stubbornness comes from her father, whom she despises. 

Is this perhaps a representation of something she is trying to repress? Regardless, Piper is dead set on returning to life as it was - even if it is gone from her forever.
