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13 Feb 2022, 12:37:09 pm



Man, I love your art so much, like- seriously, your style is so clean and wonderful and I just adore the warm lighting with the colored lines, it looks so good augh <3

aw, tysm tig!! it’s always nice to hear from you and just, shauhsjaka, tysm for the compliment 💖

how have you been lately? it’s been a while ^^

Heck, it certainly HAS been a while!

Honestly, i've been super busy, school never fails to keep giving more and more work U_U

but otherwise I've been alright!! Y'know, still had some time to draw here and there so thats all I need really haha!

How about you?? How have you been?? :D

it’s good to hear you still find time to draw!! after finding your tumblr, i just thought, “so that’s where i go to see your art :0”

same, school’s begun to take up most my time. on monday i had the most homework i’ve ever had in one night, and it kept me up until 2 am, so that was fun.

but i’m also finding time to draw scattered around my day! what are you working on?

Haha yeah! I find it really easy to post there since I can stack all my art in one post, I draw too much for my own good and really really don't like posting my images   

Gosh I'm sorry to hear about your Monday homework situation, but I'm glad its at least all done with! Congrats on making it through that, staying up until 2am for homework is never easy heck,, and I'm real glad to see you've had time to draw!! I absolutely LOVE seeing your art, its so freaking wonderful man!! 

I'm not working on anything too big right now haha, just a few mini animations and stuff here and there when I find the time, honestly most of my time is spend just doing Computer Science work for school U_U

it’s just always so cool to see your work!! even when it’s just a sketch, it’s always beautiful to look at! your characters are also really amazing, the designs are just so pleasing 💕

and your small animations are cool as heck, they‘re so cute!!

i’ve got the day off school today [ due to freezing rain whoops- ] and now i have some time to draw! still trying ti figure out what to draw though. and we don’t have to, but maybe another design trade? i’m bored and i love your designs. but as always, feel free to say no ☺️

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