Princess Plusheera ✦



6 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info












Cute animal plushies, sprinkles,


Blood, loud noises



Info is a WIP. 


When she was a young Plusheera was always told the story of a little girl who grew up in the Toy Kingdom, her favorite toys were the soft plushies her mother would sew for her and she'd sleep with every night. The little girl wish she could be like the kingdom's queen, the Toymaker, a woman who used her magic to bring toys to life and built their very kingdom. The little girl often asked her father to bring back books on magic from his trips gathering supplies from other kingdoms to make toys. With each new book she'd practice more and more, and increased her skills as she grew. From being able to make toys with magic, to making them move with magic, and when she became a married adult she was able to make toys into sentient beings, just like the Toymaker. She made sure to perfect her magic first, practicing on her many plushes. When she felt confident, she used her magic to make a new plush toy and give it life to show the queen, in hopes of impressing her and deciding to teach all toy makers these skills to help the kingdom flourish.  But when the woman went with her husband to present her creation, the Toymaker exiled the couple from the Toy Kingdom, out of jealousy and fear of the Plushmaker.

The Plushmaker wandered the land, until she made it to the nearest valley, where many plant and wild life lived. It was there she decided to use the materials around her to create her own plush people, eventually an entire plush village, which grew and grew until eventually it had it's own castle and became the Plush Kingdom with the Plushmaker as it's queen.  The Plushmaker and her husband would eventually start a family of their own, and teach the craft to pass down for generations.

The Toymaker hated the Plushmaker for being able to build her own toy themed kingdom, and right next to her own, as if to mock the Toymaker herself. The Plushmaker hated the Toymaker for exiling her in the first place, and vowed to have her kingdom be more soft and welcoming to all than the neighboring kingdom. The quarrel between the Toymakers and the Plushmakers continued, passing on from generation to generation, and still continued to this day.


At age 16 Plusheera was already a kind and benevolent princess ruling over the Plush Kingdom, always considering the plush people and plush makers who lived in it. She cared not for the quarrel between the neighboring kingdoms, only the prosperity of her own. But Plusheera felt all that was threatened when one day she received word that the new ruling princess of the Toy Kingdom, Princess Penny was going to declare war and try to take over the Plush Kingdom. Plusheera quickly rushed to the Toy Kingdom in hopes of offering peace between the two and ending the ridiculous quarrel before both kingdoms were at lost. Once Plusheera reached the toy castle, she was apprehended by guards and taken to Penny, who was ready to show no mercy to the enemy she had never met but was raised to hate on behalf of their ancestors. But when Princess Plusheera came through Princess Penny's doors, time froze as they met each other's gaze. Penny immediately called off the guards and listened to what the pretty princess had to say. They discussed, wrote, and signed a peace treaty between the two kingdoms that day, and started dating. Eventually it soon blossomed into a romance, and within a year the Toy and Plush Kingdom's became unified into the giant kingdom now known as Toybox, with Penny and Plusheera as it's ruling princess couple.

Love, Death and Rebirth

Another year later all was well in Toybox, and Penny proposed to Plusheera, asking her to become the only queen by her side for the rest of her life. The princess duo were to be married and become the queens of Toybox! Preparations went accordingly, and when it came time for the rehearsal dinner everyone was eager for the real event. They pretended to have a toast, and the couple linked arms as they were about to drink from their glasses, but Penny accidentally tugged a bit too much as she drank hers and made Plusheera spill her whole drink before she could get a single sip. A few minutes later, Penny dropped her glass and fell to the floor, killed by poison put into the couple's drinks.

Plusheera had the entire castle on lockdown and had guards search for anyone who stood out as the possible murderer. She then immediately had the best mages in the land searched for and called in, including necromancers, to find out what kind of poison killed her fiance, expel it from her body, and bring her back to life. The mages soon came and were able to take the poison out of her body, and began testing it along with the poison from the drinks. But none of the mages were powerful enough to fully resurrect Penny back to life, otherwise she'd be a walking corpse, but the best they could do is summon her soul to try and find a host. So Plusheera quickly had the mages cast a spell to preserve Penny's body so it'd stay fresh and never decay, but it would still age as if she were alive, and was carefully placed in a glass case. Then she had the toy and plush makers work together to build a life-like puppet replica of Penny to host her soul until they could find someone or something powerful enough to bring her back.

Penny's soul was able to successfully take refuge in the puppet replica, Plusheera was tearful over the fact that her loved one was still with her, but also in the condition she was.  She informed the confused Penny of the situation, much to her fiance's shock. The guards returned, saying they turned the whole castle upside down trying to find a suspect with no luck. The couple decide to postpone the wedding until they found out who the culprit was, and a way to get Penny back into her body. The mages approach the princess' saying they've identified the poison found in both of their drinks, which they've concluded was an instant heart stopper that could've rotted Penny's heart away if not removed as soon as it was, and the poison could have only came from somewhere in the kingdom across the sea known as Feverish. The couple decided that they would continue to rule as usual and keep a calm image as they work on their next plan to figure out who would want to jeopardize Toybox's prosperity and why.