Sleenie Dumblecord



2 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Adult, late 20s

Favorite Snaks

Loaded Spuddy, Preying Picantis, and Sprinklepede



Name: Sleniza

Nickname: Sleenie, Babe

Pronouns: she/him

Sexuality: Lesbian


Status nft/s



Oh, hey. What's up, lil' homie? You need somethin' from me?

Gentle giant, can hardly talk loud enough for most to hear her. Is often quiet and respectful except when around Beffica.


  • Lifting Weights
  • Brushing Her Hair
  • Summer Nights
  • Beffica


  • Arguments
  • Dark Spaces
  • Horror Movies
  • Cromdo


Ever since Sleenie was a kid she's had to fight to get to where she needed to be. She was an orphan with no memory of her parents. She had been through many foster homes, none of which she enjoyed being in. Sleenie had spent a lot of her teen years being an angry delinquent. She was never treated with respect so she fought for it, quite literally. She was larger and stronger than most Grumpuses her age and was bullied for it frequently. She was never the one people described as intelligent or pretty or useful so she used that as fuel for fist fights. After a while she realized she enjoyed her skills and attitude in the ring. She had worked so hard to be where she needed to be. Sleenie knew that she could get money and fame through this, the idea of people loving her for her strength is something she had never felt before, and it motivated her. She eventually managed to gain a job as a professional boxer and rose through the ranks. She finally had some kind of achievement but her anger was never resolved. Sleenie still believed she was stupid and ugly and useless. And she constantly compared herself to other fighters. She saw the way the general public was scared of her or viewed her as a dangerous, mean person and she had decided it was because she was masculine, as a result she went through a lot of self hatred throughout her whole life. What happens next is she becomes quite popular and eventually GMZ wanted a story about her and Beffica was tasked to get it. Beffica was constantly trying to get a meeting with her and using her knowledge about the publication industry, she managed to get a chance to talk to her. This is one of the few times Sleenie had been interviewed and she fell in love with Beffica immediately. She was so thrilled that someone as feminine and cute and adorable as her was so interested in herself. After a few months of talking they had decided to date. They had dated for 2 years before Beffica had caused a "social dumpster fire". As a result, they both fled to the island of Snaktooth, taking advantage of Lizbert’s open invitation. .

In-Game Story

Sleniza took to helping Snorpy and Chandlo construct houses and tools needed for catching snax. As things went along, Sleenie would be invited to join Lizbert on special treks to help catch some bugsnax for the rest of the team. Although Sleenie was often very grateful for this privilege she was often too scared to come along or had to be taken back to town earlier than expected. Either way, she remained loyal to the team and worked hard to earn her keep. During this time, she formed a healthy and strong bond with Wambus. Another relationship she had was with Chandlo. Both of the friendships were somewhat healthy, however her relationship with Beffica had become strained. When Lizbert disappeared, Sleenie grew more and more anxious and had become paranoid. She hardly left to get snax, and barely ate in general. After a small window of time, The Fight happened. She helped Chandlo in attempting to calm Wambus down and tried to prevent him from hurting Gramble. This situation only seemed to rattle her more. As the anxiety rose in town, Sleenie had a massive argument with Beffica and struggled to keep her composure. Because of this scuff, she and Beffica decided to break up for the time being. When the Journalist comes to town Sleenie isn’t met until the “Snaxburg Isn’t Safe” event. She is assumed to be the creature Beffica and Gramble saw, before she leaves town again. She is then able to be brought back from her temporary camp in REDACTED. She attempts a conversation with Beffica that leads into an argument. As her development continues eventually her and Beffica begin to form a decent relationship again.


Vivamus in nisi consectetur, vulputate lorem vel, porta dolor. Donec fringilla non turpis vitae fringilla. Pellentesque condimentum at risus ut finibus. Proin ex nisl, suscipit nec leo tempor, iaculis ornare erat. Morbi tempor feugiat diam vel aliquet. Cras blandit, felis nec porta dignissim, augue magna laoreet diam, eget ultricies metus eros a diam. Nulla rutrum venenatis faucibus.



Beffica Winklesnoot[Girlfriend]

Short description of their relationship! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Chandlo Funkbun[Best Friend]

Short description of their relationship! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.




Short description of their relationship! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.