Whistling Grove



2 years, 5 months ago


Name: Whistling Grove

(Whistling because her snores sounded like whistles as she slept, Grove for her calmness. Ultimately chosen due to its pretty, relaxing sound and the image associated with it.)

Rank: Kit

GenderCis Molly, She/Her

OrientationShe's a child.

Whistle is a quiet and clingy kit! She tends to linger towards her mama and littermates - if not completely hide behind them - and doesn't like being the center of attention. She's a shy little lady and usually isn't the first to initiate....well, anything. If she does want to play, she usually just sits and waits until other cats pick up on what she wants. She doesn't want to be a bother!  She is an absolute cuddle fiend, though, and will make an exception for not initiating things when it comes to affection. She'll all but lay on her mother and her littermates.  Also a Sleepy baby, loves naps.  Whistle's incredibly calm, and even in the waking world walks absently around as if in a dream, unless other cats talk to her. It takes her a while to adjust to anyone that isn't her family, the monarchs, or frequent visitors. However, she isn't a stuttery and jittery sort of shy so much as a "if i hide and peek around my hiding spot to stare at you you'll eventually go away, right?" kind of shy.