


6 years, 7 months ago


Name: Demeter, Hijiri

Nickname: Snow

Age: 20

Height: 5'3"

Weight: Lightweight

Date of Birth: November 11th

Nationality: Japanese/Romani

Gender: Male

Sex: Androgynous Male

Sexual orientation: Pansexual

Role: Bottom/Submissive/Power Bottom

Personality: Snow is a very gentle and friendly person. He tries to please everyone around him and make sure everyone is comfortable with him even if it compromises his own safety, comfort. He is a soft boy and very diligent, practicing and studying things in his own way to the point of fluid perfection. Despite being optimistic about almost everything he can have very strong mood swings, switching between happy, scared, sad, or upset from almost anything around him. Snow is very passionate about all things art and people, he is open and trusting in hopes of connecting with new friends even when he is self reliant and a bit compulsive and anxious. When times get difficult Snow can be firm and rational/logical to handle problems, but often confused and curious in emotional situations.

Likes: Bubble Tea, Sweet coffee, Bananas, Colorful asthetics, warm soft and flowy clothes, makeup
Dislikes: Solid brown/dark earth tone clothing, sour/ bitter tastes, lukewarm food


Camilia Demeter, an upstarting romani/spanish business woman and Hijiri Adachi, a budding film actor both met each other in the young years of their adult life. Camilia came from a small but traditional home that reluctantly let her travel as she learned the skills to start her dream marketing company. Hijiri was traveling to study acting around the world and perfect his craft, coming from a well off and highly esteemed small family. The two met in France, Camilia passing through and Hijiri studying there. They meet in a coffee shop and began seeing each other, Camilia tried her best to match up her meetings and conventions with Hijri's filming locations so they could talk and be close to each other and when they were away they kept in contact constantly. Two years later they both decided to start their life together and came to their parents for blessings in marriage. Neither side agreed to it, they were both opposed to marrying a person so outside of their culture and they believed it was going to lead to no good. They came together anyways and got married, traveling and working together until a year later Camilia became pregnant. The persistent aggression from both sides of the family threatening scandal and making their life stressful forced them to divorce, Hijiri going to stay in Japan while Camilia raised her child in Spain. There, Camilia named her child after her lover and raised him the best she could.

Snow was born with a mix of sexual organs and at first Camilia didn't know what she should do, he did need careful medical attention as a small child and the dedication to keep him healthy distracted her from her career. But as her child grew up she began to see his father in his eyes and began to raise him with all the love she showed to her ex husband. Snow took to his likeness as well, he showed large signs of creativity from a young age and Camilia embraced it. After saving up money she was able to hire a tutor for Snow, a young choreographer woman named Renee, who seemed to be a bit more than just friends with Camilia. With Camilia making sure he studied in school and his tutor Renee training his body for ballet as well playing piano Snow became a loving and expressive child, growing up with good morals and a sense of desire. As he got into his preeteen years his mother noticed that he was lacking a certain drive.... he was interested in dance but had no focus and sat on the fence about what he wanted to do and how he saw himself. She decided now was the time to try to introduce him to his father, and Hijiri began to video chat with his son from overseas. The more they caught up with each other, however sparingly it was, the more Snow wanted to be like him. Knowing his father was a prestigious actor helped him have a goal to be on his professional level and finally be able to meet him in person. Seeing his son take on a whole new perspective Camillia was finally alright with sending him off to improve his craft, allowing him to go travel with a Ballet company in Spain as she focused back on her company, the both of them improving with the same rate over a few years. Snow blossomed in interpertational dancing, using his body more to convey emotions and feelings with his movements and expressions. He drew inspirtation from Broadway and theatrical productions, aspiring to be able to tell more of a story with his dancing.

When he became an adult Snow was unsatisfied with the level he was currently at, aspiring to be better he requested to attend Yuga Academy. Camilia supported him wholeheartedly, even considering moving to Japan with him to maybe have the chance to reconnect with her Ex-Husband.


  • He prefers the name Snow as a name that matches more to his body type
  • Snow indentifies as male becase its his more dominate sex charateristic and he wants to be more masculine the more he grows into adulthood
  • He loves interpertive art and uses an interpertive style in almost all of his pieces, giving himself an acting preformance air to his work
  • Snow enjoys switching between male and female preformance roles, when people use the pronouns of whatever gender he is presenting himself as he is happy he can be that convincing
  • Being how he is he tries to use sexuality to his advantage to be more appealing universally
  • He is uncomfortable with being reffered to with they/them/it pronouns
  • Absolutely loves sweets especially with pastries, coffees, and fruits
  • Very sensitive to temperature, has to have some layering to be able to take off and put on
  • Likes swimming and yoga to relax
  • His mother made him practice money management and literature to compromise him studying dance, Snow is excellent at bugeting and writing 

Anatomy Extras:

  • He has both male and female sexual organs: a small vaginal opening with minimal tissue around it, and a micropenis. The only functional organ is his penis, the others arent functional but still sensitive and he won't be trying to change them.
  • His secondary sexual charateristics are some breast tissue (enough to warrent a light bra), wide hips, a soft round face and round eyes, broad chest and firm toned muscles
  • Snow doesnt grow hair anywhere other than his hair and face (he has to shave occasionally)
  • Small as of now but is growing slowly, still considered post puberty and an adult