3DMM Mega Man



2 years, 3 months ago


The version of Megaman from the 3DMM universe. He is completely different from Classic Megaman aside from the design.

3DMM Megaman is a cyborg and not a robot, meaning he was once a regular human.

Another difference is age. Classic Megaman is mentally 10 while 3DMM Megaman is 27.

3DMM Doom Guy is his best friend.

3DMM Megaman works for an anonymous police force, he has been tasked with killing/capturing certain individuals such as Freddie Fachbare, FNF Boyfriend, and Boyfriend Goobus/FNH Boyfriend.

His story begins in Megaman work at Freddy movie. He is sent to kill Freddie Fachbare to prevent the death of an innocent individual known as Peter Peecha, who was being lured in by Freddie Fachbare with a strange job listing. Unfortunately, this was a failure, due to Megaman being unaware Freddie Fachbare can come back to life. And after that, the original Peter work at freddy movie took place. And after that was Megaman work at Freddy movie 2. Not very long after PWAFM1, Megaman and Doomguy went back to Freddie Fachbare's Peecha Place to meet Peter Peecha and give him the deets. However, they then see his dead body and find out he was killed by Freddie Fachbare, even though Freddie Fachbare was supposed to be dead. Freddie Fachbare found the two and attempted to eliminate them with fireballs. Megaman and Doomguy's weapons were not teleported in yet so they had to dodge his attacks until they were. And when they were, Freddie Fachbare was mowed down quickly. Peter's body was then taken by Megaman and Doomguy to the anonymous police force's prototype resurrection machine. The machine would clone him and give him all his previous memories from before he went to Freddie Fachbare's. His voice became different though. The clone was sent to Peter's house, but after that Peter's dead body would explode. After Peter died once again in Peter work at freddy movie 2, he came back to life on his own, similarly to Freddie Fachbare. The machine seemed to have given him that power, And so, Peter's adventures kept going.

(probably) Useless facts:

- He is latino

- He is voiced by jaluz

- He has ADHD

- Can swim, unlike Classic Megaman. He can also swim in blood.

- He mostly uses a M3A1 Grease Gun

- He is weirdly good at cucking people

- He had a brief goth phase in his teen years