


6 years, 7 months ago



"Hm...needs more salt."

  • Name || Joules King
  • Called || Jewel
  • Age || 23
  • Weight || 78kg
  • Gender || male
  • Pronouns || he/him
  • Sexuality || bisexual
  • Race || Vampire
  • Origin || German
  • Occupation || Professional cannibal
  • Status || single
  • Voice || Mike


⇀ Description

Joules is often described by others to be extroverted, overconfident and very persuasive. He never seems to get tired and always appears to be the life of the party, he is perfectly capable of dancing into the early hours of the morning and instantly forming friendships with those that he meets at the clubs. 

But the people that know Joules’ true colours know that this is simply a front that covers up his abrasive and aggressive demeanor. He has a fiery temper that can be ignited from the smallest inconvenience, the smile that is painted over his face can quickly turn into a murderous state that is almost as foul enough to cause a weak soul to drop dead. 

However, there is not a living soul that know his darkest secrets. He is a murderer and a cannibal. 

⇀ Preferences


  • flesh
  • sparkly stuff
  • cooking
  • video games


  • dull colours
  • younger people
  • laziness
  • silver


⇀ Description

  • Height || 6ft (183cm)
  • Build || thin
  • Eyes || gold
  • Skin tone || pale 
  • Hair color || light blonde
  • Hair style || long, wavy
  • Demeanor || extroverted, confident, manipulative, loyal
  • Style || casual formal / casual

Joules values his appearance very highly and will do anything for him to look as best as he can everyday he is seen by the public eye. When not in the suit, he dresses quite flamboyantly. Click on the outfits to see what I'm on about.

Outfit 1: He wears a black suit over an unbuttoned white shirt with normal black trousers. He wears black loafers to add the the simple yet smart outfit.

Outfit 2: When not going outside, or hanging out with friends, he wears yellow sweats with the brand of his boxers visible with a transparent mesh going over it.

Outfit 3: For the same reasons as above, he could wear torn blue jeans, a black vest and a white crop top over it.

He has a pair of short-stubby dull-gold horns on his head now !! Please draw them !!

Beneath the suit, he wears a bandage around his left wrist and various moles that decorate on his right shoulder, left part of his stomach, right hip and on his right thigh.
Joules also has a nose piercing which he can take out quite easily.

⇀ Important Notes

  • His top three buttons are undone
  • When drawn tied, please allow two long strands of hair to flow by his face
  • When drawn loose, please draw it shoulder-blade length
  • He can be drawn without pericings

⇀ Moodboard



⇀ Background

When Joules was in his early teenage years, he entered into a relationship with a much older man than he was. It started off fairly swell, with the boyfriend showering him with gifts and money. But the relationship quickly became possessive and abusive and caused Joules to become trapped within the toxic man’s web. The abuse escalated from petty insults to fierce punches, and it spanned across the duration of a few years. 

When Joules was 19, he snapped. He doesn’t know what happened or why and he does not understand how he possessed the strength but after receiving a slap from the older man, Joules pushed him. He pushed him to the ground. And he forced himself on top of him. He punched. And punched. And punched. Until the older man’s body no longer flinched. He continued to punch the black and blue face of the man that he loved so dearly. He punched until his face had caved in on itself and his knuckles were bruised and numb. 

He was unsure of how much time had passed but it felt like an eternity. When he looked down at the corpse that no longer had a recognisable face, he missed him and he knew that he would never be able to see his beloved again. Joules did the only logical thing to him, he began to cut out chunks of flesh from his former lover and began to cook them. 

Joules didn’t know why he just knew that it was the right thing to do. He believed that by consuming him, his lover would remain a part of him forever. He fried the first chunk of flesh that he removed him the waist of the older man. He overcooked the meat and was rather disappointed, so he tried again with some meat from the upper arm and was disappointed. So, he tried cooking a large portion of flesh that had been cut out from the thigh. 

And that was that. That sparked his overwhelmingly unhealthy obsession and craving for human meat. He needed it. He needed to recreate the sensation and taste of his former lover over and over again. 

⇀ Family

Ludwig and Viktor's brother, gets along with Viktor more. 


⇀ Present


⇀ Misc

Joules is one of the few of my characters who owns a car. He owns a Mercedes Benz A class

He speaks in a more english accent compared to his brothers.

Mental Illnesses: BWS (battered wife syndrome)
Physical Disabilities: Vampirism.
Character Alignment: Chaotic neutral. 

Main relationships