Ally Ene



2 years, 8 months ago


  • : Ally Ene :

  • Ygp4axA.png
  • age :22
  • gender :Female
  • SPECIES :Alien
  • Occupation :Loser
  • theme :
    Oliver Tree - Alien Boy

:  Introverted Awkward irritable :


Sent to Earth to study life on Fishsticks, Ally Ene ends up obsessed with gaming and becomes a complete shut-in. Having no friends that she can prove are real (K.C is her only friend, but she can't blow her cover as an alien) the PUPS police force drags her off to live on Loser Island. On Loser Island she meets Lychee and absolutely cannot stand her, but loves the diner she works at so she is forced to interact with her for the sake of the burgies. 

Ally Ene videochats K.C often and sends her Earth foods like Cup Noodles. Ally is apart of the Fishsticks Space Force as a spy, but she is low key failing at spying since all she does is sit on her phone.

 "Uhm.. Can you move.. Where you're sitting gets full bars." 

height : 5'3

build : Bad posture

pronouns : She/Her

s.o. : Doesn't care

dob : Dec. 17

sign : Capricorn

origin : Space

Demeanor  :Lethargic 

Likes :

  • Burgers
  • Videogames
  • Air-conditioning
  • Videochatting K.C 

Dislikes :


Lychee Leechy 

[ Frienemy ] Ally can't stand how happy and energetic Lychee is, but Lychee is also the only one to keep her company on Loser Island, so Ally learns to somewhat bear her


[ Friend ] K.C is Ally's only real friend, Ally usually watches K.C unknowingly blow up planets in her "VR game." She also sends K.C snacks, and shows her new videogames that are popular on Earth.


Gallax C.

[ Boss Gallax is the leader of the Fishsticks Space Force and hires Ally as a spy for Earth. 

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