Codestream OTA/$5's Comments

does anyone in my toyhouse ineterest you? im also open to doing art as well!

hello there! sadly no one in your TH catches my interest, but i do really like your art style! 🥰

in fact, there's this character that i really want but the owner will only trade it for art of their OCs. and i'm not very good at drawing anthros/feral. if you're interested, we could possibly do a 3 way trade? you would draw art for them, i get the character i want, and you get this lovely boi ^^

their charas are here: though i would have to check with them first if they're okay with the trade too

I actually have alot of owed art on my plate but depending on how much art they want im fine with doing a 3 way trade

ooh hmm okay, well as long as you're not overwhelming yourself! i'll message you again after i ask :>

sounds good

okay the other owner agrees to the 3 way trade! you can pick whichever of their characters you're comfortable with drawing. they asked what kind of art you would be offering? owo

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