


2 years, 4 months ago


• Forest Guardian •

Name Skadi
Age 20
Gender Female
Species Shapeshifter
Rank (Wolf pack) Alpha

• About •

Skadi is the protector of the Silent Forest. She has been watching over the forest for a long time. Skadi lost her pack and family in a terrible forest fire when she was just a young wolf. Injured, lonely and heartbroken, the young wolf was found by a doctor named Corvus. He took care of Skadi and took in the little, abandoned wolf. He taught Skadi all his knowledge of magic and made her an excellent healer. Skadi stayed with him until Corvus' death. Skadi then takes on a forest that was previously almost completely destroyed by humans. Using her magic, she allowed the forest plants to grow again, so within a few days the forest fully recovered and was more lush than before. Since then, Skadi has protected the forest and its animals with her life. And since then she has never left the forest. The reason for this is simple: if Skadi left the forest, the forest and its inhabitants would die within a few days.

Skadi is very affectionate. She takes great care of the forest and its inhabitants. She loves to run through the forest, grow new plants and get in touch with the forest dwellers. Skadi can be very stubborn and once she has her mind set on something, nobody will change her mind. She is very loyal and fair to her pack. All in all, Skadi strives for peace and harmonious coexistence. But when it comes down to datauf, Skadi can fight with all her might, even if it costs her life.

"A seed grows with no sound, but a tree falls with huge noises. Destruction has noise, but creation is quiet. This is the power of silence. Grow silently."

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