


2 years, 8 months ago


Corius Anova, also just called Core

he/him, in his late 40s, ceo of a tech company and is SUPER rich

philanthropist of sorts, altruistic to the point where it’s detrimental

his company is super successful until something happens to him that fucks up his mental state (hard 2 explain I’ll add it later), makes him aware that the world is a simulation and he starts programming malware into his products that cause the same awareness in everyone who comes in contact with it

desperately obsessed with the idea of being a good person to the point where it makes him internalize the idea that he’s better than others because of how generous he is

despite this, he genuinely wants to be better, he just doesn’t know how

upon learning his world is a simulation, he goes a bit off the rails and comes to the conclusion that it would be cruel to leave everyone else in the dark about it, thus leading him to create the malware that causes his customers to become self-aware

murder suspect for princess eris due to his affiliation with Caslin and PRISM, directly responsible for creating the malware that corrupted PRISM (but not for implementing it, that was Cas’ fault)

what 100% capitalism does to a mf

ref is tba (i havent actually designed him yet JKSFKDVMSCK)