


2 years, 5 months ago


Beau doesn't speak much of his childhood when asked, other than saying that he came from some boring flyover state and ran away to see what else the world had to offer him. With high costs of living and lousy wages offered by most jobs available to him, he determined that gas was probably gonna be cheaper than rent in some overpriced dump of an apartment with a shitty landlord that'll steal his security deposit and make up a litany of excuses as to why he can't get it back.  With that in mind, Beau worked a number of odd jobs and gigs to save up to buy a used van as his center of operations to live out his life as a traveling musician and busker.  He never stays anywhere for very long and seems to have no intention of  setting down roots in any one place to call home, usually sleeping in his van, at a cheap motel, or on the couch of a kind stranger.

A silver-toned singer with a musical background in blues guitar and bluegrass, Beau goes where he pleases, scouting both big cities and small towns for the right corner or attraction to set up in front of to perform with his guitar case propped open for tips from passersby.  As a former smoker and recovered addict, he sates his oral fixation with lollipops and similar hard candies instead (although he won't turn down a joint when offered).  Kind and easygoing with an open heart and mind, he knows that everyone's got their own thing going on and assumes the best of most people unless the vibes are determined to be extremely off.