


2 years, 3 months ago



A snarky necromancer and tired customer servant.

Species Human
Age 25-ish
Gender Male
Pronouns He/him
Job Mage/investigator
Residence The Isles
Status Alive, active

  • Tall and 'leggy', he has long limbs and slender hands.
  • Dark, long hair. He likes to braid it extravagantly.
  • His eyes are hazel, though they turn black for awhile if he taps too much into the void.
  • Tattoo design doesn't ever need to be drawn exactly.
  • Three piercings on his brows; two on the left, one in the right. He also has a stud in his tongue and whole length of ears pierced.
  • He doesn't need glasses, but likes to use them as an accessory. For the looks.
  • In his everyday life he likes to dress a bit dramatically, gothic or rock like, prefering dark red, black and electric blue.


Eli is not a bad person, actually he is usually pretty much a very good person with strong sense of justice and will to do the right thing. However, he has absolutely zero tolerance for any kind of bullshit or intolerance and his sort of blunt and snarky attitude makes him seem a little bit worse than he is.

He is thick-skinned but gets snappy quickly if someone tries to push his buttons. Being a necromancer, a mage, he is used to defend his craft though quite rarely chooses to do so. Ha really doesn’t care what people think of him.
Except when he does. He doesn’t want to be disliked for the wrong reasons like some prejudice or misconception so he tries to be very honest and transparent about everything he does. There are no secrets.


Eli works for the union for the magic users called the Navigators. His job is to investigate magical events and usage that are against the laws and rules or dangerous. The job takes him all around the known universe, since a lot of cases are on the other planets, not just on the Isles. Most of his missions are false alarms made by scared citizens who aren’t used to magic and think any kind of unexplained phenomena is DanGerOus mAgikc.
Eli finds this insufferable but he also doesn’t think it's his job to try to educate these narrow minded idiots. He isn't a teacher, he's just there to make sure no one gets hurt. Or no one who doesn't deserve it gets hurt. So it's like magical customer service. And yes, it sucks as much as non-magical customer service, though it pays little better.

When he’s not working Eli likes to go out, not necessarily to parties, but to the plays and movies, museums or any kind of activity, occasionally goes for a pint or two with friends in their favorite pub.
He’s not that into reading and rather learns by doing things and experimenting than studying.

His fascination for things in between life and death first brought him to necromancy, but his interest has grown way wider since then. Like he will explain, it’s not about bringing dead back to life, it’s more to study the ‘in between’: the moment before the death, the pause before the action, no past, no future, just the endless now.


  • He likes to paint but is shy to share his work.
  • He's deaf.
  • Hence only communicates in sign language. He can read and write several others, though.
  • He likes liminal spaces.
  • He collects nice rocks (as in minerals, stones, crystals). He thinks it's little bit embarrassing.
  • He's Mina's son.
  • Tattoo's subjects are all the cliche death/darkness symbolism: dead trees, black butterflies, an hourglass, skull and both white and black moon cresent and art deco styled filler art between.
  • "Death is only a horizon" The saying he thinks is so corny and cringe that of course he had it tattooed on his back.