Emily Ravenheart



2 years, 5 months ago


Emily Ravenheart

27 | 5'4" (w/o 2" heels) | ???


Emily is blunt and cold, hardly sugarcoating anything for anyone. She hardly fears anyone or anything, as she's already brushed up with death and lived, so good luck intimidating her. She's also rather judgmental, so if she thinks you're weak, she will treat you like you're weak. However, she's also still grief-struck over the loss of her would-be husband, and any mention of him will piss her off to no end, so watch your tongue around her.


Once the Fiancé of a successful railroad manager, Emily never thought she'd end up in the mob, much less in the business of killing people for money. And yet, once tragedy struck on the railway, she'd find herself on the path toward such a business. A freak accident had occurred, taking her arms and placing her in a coma she'd only wake up from 14 months later. When she asked where her love was, she was informed they weren't sure. She had assumed they meant that he was so mangled that he couldn't be recognized...and he was dead. The grief broke her: Almost a year of her life as well as her arms had been stolen from her: She just had to lose the one she loved as well, had she? She fell on hard times, and eventually was found by Malifer at the Owl Perch. Seeing her sorrow, he invited her on board, some kind of stability of income. She reluctantly accepted, and has worked with them since.


Fake arms - the arms she has doubles as machine guns via opening the hands up. They can also be disconnected and used as a bludgeoning weapon, but this is only a last resort.

Weapon knowhow - Nuff said, she knows how to kill a man with just about everything.

Hand to hand combat - She can fight with her hands pretty well on top of that.


-Doesn't actually know that Damien's still alive.