
2 years, 5 months ago


Milk used to live among his own kind in a land separate from earth. His world was beautiful and the society among fellow shifters was almost utopic. Then, a group of shifters built on greed, corruption, and violence lead by some influential individuals started to ravage their land for resources at a rate unheard of with the goal in mind to become powerful enough start war with and take over other worlds. Those who refused to follow the corrupt party were forced to stand up for themselves and their land by taking up arms and fighting against it. Now ruined by greed and civil war, the world and the race populating it made quick work of destroying themselves.

Milk was not a trained fighter prior to the war, like many others on his side, though he did his best until the very end. They were overrun. He and his best friend, in an attempt at the 11th hour to survive, managed to join their magical knowledge and powers in order to create a portal that would send them somewhere, anywhere safe. Milk was dumped onto earth alone, his friend nowhere in sight. He now lives on earth, attempting to navigate its society while searching for this friend. He holds hope that they are alive and on earth, and keeps unwaivering faith that he will find them.