
2 years, 4 months ago




(Name, age, gender, species/other) 

💙 Appearance 

(Height, hair color, eye color, skin color, description) 

💙Clothing & Accessories 

💙Skills & Abilities 

💙Relationships To Other Characters

(Soulmate, Family & Friends) 

💙 Details 

(Titles, Habits, Other) 

💙Character Traits and Personality 

(Personality, Fears, Theme song, other) 


💙More Details About Their Story 

(Achievements, Regrets, Other) 

💙Likes & Dislikes 


💙Art Hints 


Name: Renee 

Nicknames: Ren (only her husband calls her that) 

Age: 18 

Birthdate: May 18th 

Gender: female 

Species: human 

Sexuality: straight 


Height: 5’6” 

Weight: 115 lb 

Build: small 

Size: small 

Hair color: chestnut

Hair type: wavy 

Hair length: to her hips 

Eye color: hazel 

Eye shape: round 

Skin tone: beige 

Distinguishing marks: freckles on her cheeks, three scars from a whip on her back and one on her 

Unique features: she has a lot of tiny freckles on her cheeks, which Benjamin always says looks like stars

Description: she is beautiful, with a kind face (unless you make her mad then she’s pretty scary) she is about average height. She never smiled genuinely, until she fell in love with Benjamin and he brought joy back into her life, now she smiles all the time. 

Are any of their traits unusual for their race or species? Not really 

💙Clothing & Accessories💙

Main outfit: she usually wears a blue dress with flared sleeves and laces on the front.

Favorite thing to wear: her wedding ring (a silver band with a sapphire gem), the crystal necklace that Benjamin gave her, the locket that Benjamin gave her (it’s silver with two stars on it) 

Clothing they own/wear: 

  • White lace wedding dress 
  • Blue dress with flared sleeves and laces on the front. 
  • Pink dress with flared sleeves and laces on the front 
  • Simple blue dress with laces on the front 
  • Dark blue dress with flared sleeves and laces on the back 
  • Simple green dress with laces on the front 
  • Simple tan dress with laces on the front (just at the neckline) and laces that go up the back
  • A black tunic 
  • Black leggings 
  • A black long sleeved shirt 
  • A black lace dress with laces on the front at the waist and laces going down the back
  • A blue dress with gold laces and designs on the front, and flared sleeves that have gold lining 
  • A tan dress with flared sleeves and laces on the back. On the front and neckline is floral designs 
  • A blue dress with sliver embroidery (has a star embroidered on the center which looks like a Christmas star) the dress has silver flared sleeves with a blue band on the upper arm 
  • A blue dress with a white and blue belt and flared sleeves 
  • A light blue strapless dress 
  • A dark blue dress with light blue wrappings 
  • A dark blue velvet dress with flared sleeves and laces on the front 
  • A purple dress 
  • A dark blue dress with a light blue over dress 
  • A tan blouse 
  • Brown leather pants with laces on the sides

Accessories they own/wear: 

  • Her wedding ring (a silver band with a sapphire gem) this wedding ring once belonged to her husband’s grandmother 
  • A crystal tied to a leather cord. 
  • A silver locket with 2 stars on it (they look like Christmas stars) inside is a painting of her and Benjamin 
  • Brown leather boots 
  • Brown leather arm guards 
  • Blue slippers 
  • Black slippers 
  • Brown slippers 
  • White slippers 
  • A cross necklace 
  • Purple slippers 
  • Braided brown leather belt 
  • Brown leather arm band 
  • Brown leather bracelet 
  • Purple veil 
  • Silver tiara (shaped like a band) 
  • Flower crown (multi colored) 
  • Wildflower bouquets 
  • Silver rose tiara 
  • Silver rose necklace 
  • Flower crown (blue) 

Colors they typically wear: blue, green, tan

Clothing styles they typically wear: medieval dresses & tunics 

💙Skills & Abilities💙

Talents/skills/powers: she is a good hunter, and a good warrior. She also has two daggers that her father made, one she keeps the other she gives to her husband. The daggers are the only weapon that can kill the evil sorcerer, but both daggers have to pierce his heart, one alone will have no effect. Her father was a wizard, so she has the power to visit those most dear to her in their dreams. She can also shape shift into a deer. 

Education: her father taught her how to read and write, as well as how to hunt and fight. He also taught her a little magic, but he died when she was very young so she didn’t get to learn much.

Intelligence: she knows a lot about the forest and how to survive alone their, she learned this after being orphaned and having to fend for herself. 

Apprenticeship: none, accept the things she learned from her father when she was young 

Occupation: handmaiden/ princess (after her marriage to the prince) 

How money is earned: when she lived on the streets and alone in the woods, she had to search for food, and sometimes even steal something to eat. But once she came to the castle to work as a servant, she was paid by the king and queen. 

Physical flaws: three scars from a whip on her back, a scar on her hand 

Physical strengths: quick, agile 

💙Relationships To Other Characters 💙

Relationship Status: married 

Love interest: Benjamin (her husband) 

How they met: they first met when they were younger, he was leading an attack on her village under Drake’s orders. He had been ordered to kill everyone, but he disobeyed and spared the women and children. 

During the fight, he killed a man who happened to be Renee’s father (which is one thing that does cause conflict between them later on) 

They met again (more officially) when they were both a little older. She was working as the queen’s handmaiden when he was brought back by soldiers who had captured him. They met later when the king and queen decided to betroth them. 

What their relationship is like: at first she was unkind to him and tried to push him away, but he was kind to her and basically did absolutely everything in his power to please her. 

Later, after she forgives him for her father’s death, they gradually became very close friends. 

Eventually she falls in love with him. After she does, they become very close. They do everything together. Benjamin has always spoiled her, but now she spoils him too. They would do anything for each other, including risk their lives for each other. While she used to argue with him in the beginning, they almost never fight now. 

What they like to do together as a couple: stargazing, picnicking, taking walks in the forest, sitting in the meadow, picking flowers together, dancing, training together 

Mother: Kira

Important things about their mother: Kira was the daughter of Drake and Galina

What their relationship with their mother is like: she never knew her mother because she died in childbirth (the actual cause of her death was because she was poisoned by the evil sorcerer) Renee had always wished that she had known her mother and that she could be like the kindhearted woman her father had always described her to be. 

Father: name undecided 

Important things about their father: he is a wizard, the son of the evil sorcerer 

What their relationship with their father is like: she was very close to her father, she always looked up to him. 

Which parent are they the closest to? Her father, simply because she never knew her mother. 

Siblings: none 

What their relationship to their siblings is like: n/a 

Where do they fall in birth order? Only child 

What effect does this have? She was lonely after her father died

Children: she and Benjamin have fifteen children together, Kira is the eldest the rest haven’t been named yet. 

What their relationship with their children is like: she’s very close to all of her children, they are a very tight knit family.

Other Family Members: the sorcerer (her grandfather on her father’s side), Drake (her grandfather on her mother’s side) Galina (her grandmother on her mother’s side)

Important Relationships: Mea (her mother-in-law) Henry (her father-in-law) John (her godson) Andrew, Christopher, Darius, Fredrick, & George (her adopted brother-in-laws) 

Best friend(s): Marie & Johnathan 

What is their relationship with their best friend(s) like: Johnathan & Marie are like a brother & sister to her, they always encourage her and give her good advice 

Friends: Isaac 

Pets: a brown horse 

Enemies: the sorcerer 

How/why did they become enemies? The sorcerer had sworn an oath long ago to kill every member of Benjamin’s family, after it was prophesied that the sorcerer’s granddaughter and the great grandson of Princess Shanae would defeat the sorcerer, he did everything in his power to kill her. 

Who was the biggest influence on their life? Her father, Queen Mea, Marie & Johnathan and Benjamin 


Titles: Princess 

Birth status: commoner (though some of her grandparents were of noble birth) 

Current status: royalty (by marriage) 

Born in: the Ashlands (a group of villages that were burnt down to the ground when she was 8 years old) 

Currently living: Anoria’s castle 

Living space: she and Benjamin have a large suite in the castle with a bedroom for themselves, rooms for their children, and a sitting area where they can spend time together as a family in private. 

Work place: as the princess her workspace is the whole castle, attending meetings and things like that. 

Main type of transportation: horseback, walking 

Eating habits: after living on the streets & alone in the woods, she’ll eat almost anything. She doesn’t really eat a lot though because she’s not accustomed to big meals 

Favorite food: chocolate cake 

Sleeping habits: before she got married she had a hard time sleeping because of her tragic past. She used to sneak outside and sleep in the meadow just outside of the castle because she was used to sleeping under the stars and she wasn’t used to the soft bed or being trapped indoors. After she got married she became used to sleeping inside, but she and Benjamin would sleep outside together sometimes because he was just as used to sleeping outside as she was. 

Social habits: even though she’s used to being alone she’s desperate for companionship and is pretty friendly, though most people didn’t accept her because she was different, she does have many good friends of different ages (some old enough to be her grandparents and others who were almost young enough to be her children) though she was scared to get to close to anyone because she didn’t want to lose someone. 

💙Character Traits & Personalty💙

Personality: kind, she used to be lonely and distant, but now she’s happy and friendly 

As seen by others: a kind girl who usually stays to herself, but is never hesitant about helping others. 

How would a stranger describe them? A kind, beautiful girl.

As seen by themselves: a orphan girl of the streets, she feels that no one will ever see her past her social status. 

What 4 adjectives would they use to describe themselves? Kind, lonely, generous, brave 

How they would like to be: she wants to be like her father, brave, kind, generous, strong and like her best friend Marie, forgiving and kind to everyone even those who don’t deserve it. 

How they really are: she is unforgiving towards Dragoth/ Benjamin, but eventually she learns to forgive him. She is kind most of the time, she even tried to be kind to Benjamin, but she couldn’t bare it any longer. She snapped at him several times, and even slapped him once, but she instantly regretted it and apologized. She was usually a pretty solemn person, who rarely smiled, but after there was forgiveness between her and Benjamin she was able to move beyond the past and laugh and smile again. 

Attitudes/common behavior: kind, angry (towards those who hurt the ones she loved) happy (after she moves on from her past) she is also very tender and motherly at times. 

Habits: she picks wildflowers for the queen everyday, most nights she stays up late stargazing. 

Fears: losing those she loves, she is also at times afraid to love for fear of losing someone else. 

Secrets: she kept her grudge against Dragoth a secret from him and his parents, but eventually he finds out about it. 

Stresses: being around the nobles who don’t accept her. 

What makes them angry? Benjamin (until she forgave him) the nobles scoffing at poor hungry children who come to the castle to beg for food. Anyone who hurts those she loves (which later on does include Benjamin, she becomes very protective over him) 

What calms them? Benjamin, Marie & Johnathan, Queen Mea, picking wildflowers or stargazing. 

Hobbies: stargazing, picking flowers, reading, hunting and exploring in the woods, dancing with Benjamin ♥️

Obsessions: she is a bit obsessed with flowers and stars. 

Desires: she wanted a family and a home, and King Henry and Queen Mea gave her that. But after she fell in with Benjamin she began to desire to start a family of her own. She would often dream of what their children would be like. 

What would they like to learn how to do? Swim (Benjamin teaches her though ♥️) 

What wakes them in the middle of the night? The memories of her father’s death and her time alone on the streets and in the wild. And after she married Benjamin, he was usually what awoke her as he would often scream and talk in his sleep because of his nightmares. 

What do they do every morning? Before she married Benjamin, she usually slept outside in the meadow, the first thing she did was pick flowers and bring them in for the queen. Now she always awakes to an “I love you” and a kiss from Benjamin. 

What is their life motto? “when you look at the night sky what do you see? Do you see a black sheet of darkness, or the stars that dot it with light? Without night we would never see the stars. Without darkness we would never truly know the beauty of light. Life is the same, without pain we wouldn't know the value of joy, without war we wouldn't see the beauty of peace.” 

Theme song: In Dreams (Lord of the Rings) 

Group or loner? Both

Leader or follower? Follower 

Careful or reckless? She’s usually pretty careful 

If they had to live in isolation for 6 months, what 6 things would they bring? Benjamin, her Bible, a tent, a bow for hunting, flint and steel for starting a fire, blankets


Renee was born in a small village. Her mother died giving birth to her, so her father raised her alone. Her father was loving and caring towards her, and taught her many things. 

When she was 8 years old, her village was attacked by Drake’s army. During the battle, she witnessed her father be killed by Dragoth/Prince Benjamin (he was 14 at the time if anyone’s curious). Before he died, her father made her promise to forgive the prince, but she was so full of anger towards him that she forgot her promise. 

That night as she was asleep in her now empty house, Drake’s soldiers came and set every house in the village on fire. Renee passed out from smoke inhalation before she could get out. But a boy in a black cloak, whose face was cover with a black piece of cloth came in and got her out. He burned his arm pretty badly while shielding her from the flames. 

When Renee regained consciousness, she tended to his wounds with a special slave her father had taught her how to make to cure burns. The boy gave her his cloak and all of the money and food he had. Because of the cloth around his face she didn’t recognize that he was really the prince. 

She spent the next eight years wandering the streets and forests alone. She had to steal food at times in order to survive. 

One day she came across a young man named Johnathan who had been a soldier in Drake’s army. He had important information about an attack had planned, he was trying to get to the castle to warn King Henry and Queen Mea. He didn’t know how to survive in the woods, and he had a bad sense of direction and had gotten lost. So she agreed to help him get to the castle. 

When they came to the castle, they delivered the message to the king and queen of the upcoming attack. Because of the information, they were able to prevent Drake’s plan from being successful. As a reward, King Henry and Queen Mea made Johnathan a royal guard and made Renee the queen’s handmaiden, both were honored positions. 

After two years of serving as Queen Mea’s handmaiden, Renee grew very close to King Henry and Queen Mea despite what their son had done. She grew to love them as a mother and father, and they in return loved her as a daughter. 

One day, Prince Benjamin was brought back to the castle in chains. But his mother loved him so much that she took his punishment and Benjamin was set free. 

The royal council decided that Benjamin should be married since he was the king and queen’s only heir, in case something should happen to him. 

King Henry and Queen Mea chose Renee to marry Benjamin, because they loved her like a daughter and wanted her to be their daughter-in-law. Renee agreed to marry Benjamin to repay the king and queen for taking care of her, and she hoped that it might be an opportunity to make the world a better place, especially for the poor. 

She tried to be kind to Benjamin, but eventually she couldn’t bare it any longer. She snapped at him several times and even slapped him once, but she instantly regretted it and apologized for it. 

Despite how she treated him, he did everything he could to make her happy. 

Eventually she forgave him and offered him her friendship. 

Overtime their friendship slowly grew into love and eventually she realised that she had fallen in love with him. 

💙More Details About Their Story💙

List the choices (not circumstances) that brought them to their current situation: she agreed to help Johnathan get to the castle, which brought her to her current home. She agreed to become the Queen’s handmaiden, which was how she became so close to Henry and Mea. And finally she agreed to marry Benjamin. 

List the circumstances that brought them to their current situation: her father was killed in battle and her house burned to the ground, which caused her to end up living alone in the woods and in the streets. 

Greatest hope: to have a home and a family

Secret wish: to be loved 

Greatest achievements: forgiving Benjamin, helping to end the war. Raising many children with her husband. 

Greatest disappointment: when she learned that she would have to marry Benjamin. 

Most devastating moment: her father’s death and later when she thought that she was going to lose Benjamin 

Deepest regret: not forgiving Benjamin sooner, being cruel to him and slapping him, when she soon discovered that he was one of the kindest, gentlest people she would ever know. 

Worst nightmare: losing Benjamin 

Most embarrassing moment: when King Edgar and some of the other council members mocked her. 

Who do they wish to please? King Henry and Queen Mea 

Why? Queen Mea is the only mother she’s ever known and King Henry is like a second father to her. She also feels like she owes them for all they have done for her. 

Special places: the meadow where she would go to pick flowers and stargaze, the balcony where she and Benjamin shared their first kiss, the pool of water in the forest where Benjamin taught her how to swim, the clearing in the forest where they renewed their wedding vows and shared their first night together. 

Special memories: stargazing with her father, the long talks she would have with Queen Mea, King Henry walking her down the aisle on her wedding day, the first time Benjamin said ‘I love you’ even though she hadn’t fallen in love with him yet, the night Benjamin stayed up late taking care of her because she had gotten hurt, the moment she realized that she loved him in return, their first kiss, renewing their vows, their first night together, the births of all of their children and the joys of parenthood that followed. 

In who or what do they put their faith? In God 

💙Likes & Dislikes💙


  • Benjamin 
  • Their children 
  • Her friends (Marie and Johnathan) 
  • King Henry and Queen Mea 
  • Wildflowers 
  • Stars 
  • Reading 


  • Drake 
  • Obsidian 
  • Anyone who hurts those she loves 
  • The nobles 

Favorite person: Benjamin 

Least favorite person: Obsidian (the dark sorcerer)

Favorite movie: if movies existed in her world (Lord of the Rings, I Am Dragon) 

Favorite book: The Bible, The Diary Of Queen Amelia, the book knights and dragons that her father gave her. 

Favorite book/movie genre: fantasy, adventure, romance (usually a combination of the three) 

Favorite song or type of music: she would like lord of the rings soundtrack 

Favorite color: blue 

What was their favorite subject: reading 

What was a subject they didn’t like? She didn’t have a lot of studies, so she didn’t really have to study anything that she didn’t like. 

Who was their childhood hero? Her father 


Belongings owned or carried: 

  • The crystal necklace Benjamin gave her 
  • The locket Benjamin gave her
  • Two magic daggers that her father forged 

In their saddle bag: 

  • Food
  • Blankets and bedding 
  • A tent 

In their purse/satchel/bag: 

  • Her Bible 
  • The book her father gave her 
  • Her journal where she collects pressed flowers 
  • Food and supplies 

In their pockets: 

  • Nothing (She doesn’t typically have pockets) 


  • Her Bible 
  • The book her father gave her 
  • A copy of the Diary of Queen Amelia 
  • Her collection of dried wildflowers 
  • Her father’s diary 

Travel equipment: 

  • Rope 
  • Tent
  • Bedding 
  • Blankets 
  • Flint and steel 
  • Knife 
  • Bow and quiver 

In their bedchamber: 

  • A trunk filled with her clothes and personal belongings 
  • A small jewellery box with her jewellery in it
  • Her books 

Describe their bedroom: 

On the left is a king size bed, with dark blue blankets and pillows. 

To the left of the bedroom door is a bathroom, complete with a bathtub and toilet (they actually have running water provided by a complex system using gravity and mills). 

On the other side of the room there is a glass door that leads out to a balcony. It is framed by dark blue drapes. 

On the right side of the door that leads out to the balcony is his desk, which has his quills, paintbrushes, and parchment. It also has many of his writings and arts stored within and in stacks on top of the desk. Next to it is a book shelf filled with his personal collection of books near the bookshelf is a couch covered with blue velvet. On the other side of the couch are two wardrobes, one for him and one for Renee, as well as two chests.

Common rooms: (she doesn’t really own anything in the common rooms) 


  • Bow & quiver
  • The sword Benjamin gave her
  • The magic dagger her father made 


  • Her clothes 
  • Her shoes 
  • The magic daggers her father gave her
  • Her father’s journal 
  • The cloak Benjamin gave her after her rescued her from the fire 


  • A knife she used for almost everything she needed to survive in the woods 

💙Art Hints💙

I would love to see this character drawn: 

  • With Benjamin (her husband) 
  • With King Henry and/or Queen Mea 
  • With Kira (her daughter) 
  • With Marie & Johnathan (her best friends) 
  • With Christopher (who is like a brother to her) 
  • With Drake
  • With Obsidian (he keeps her prisoner for a little while) 
  • Picking wildflowers in the meadow 
  • Stargazing 

Please don’t draw this character: 

  • Shipped with anyone but Benjamin (while she didn’t love him at first, he became her first and only love. He is also her husband and she would never cheat on him. They are also soulmates, they didn’t know it but it was actually prophesied that they would be married before they were born) 
  • Gore (unless it’s part of her bio, like an actual injury that she has) 

I am okay with: 

  • NSFW 
  • Gender bending (though I will probably use it for one of her sons that favours her a lot) 
  • AU (alternate universe) 

Characters I would like to see drawn with this character: 

  • Benjamin 
  • Kira 
  • Christopher & the other knights 
  • Johnathan 
  • Marie 
  • Queen Mea 
  • King Henry 
  • John
  • Drake 
  • Galina 
  • Obsidian 

Backgrounds I would love for this character: 

  • The castle interior/exterior 
  • The meadow 
  • A starry night sky 
  • The forest 
  • A medieval village 
  • Volcanos 
  • A snowy forest 


  • Ship art of her and Benjamin 

💙Writing Hints💙

The official lore for this character has already been written as she is from a series of novels that I am writing, but I really love reading other peoples takes on her story! I really want more ‘fan fictions’ about her and Benjamin, so these are the hints for any writers out there! 

For the most part I want you to be creative and write something like what you would write if you were making a fanfic of this story. That means that you can write AU’s, a fan prequel or sequel, or rewrite the story the way you wanted it to happen.

Please don’t: 

  • gender bend any of the characters 
  • Ship anyone that’s not officially paired together 

I’m okay with: 

  • 18+ (violence, language, smut) the contents of the story are entirely up to the writer beyond the things under the please don’ts) 
  • AU (alternate universe) 


  • Stories about Benjamin and Renee 
  • SequelsÂ