Empyrean Beetle



2 years, 4 months ago


Empyrean Beetle



Gem Placement


Era Made

Era 1


Diplomatic Advisor



MoHs Scale



Got via Trade

A little beetle that acts as a minor judge, scholar and advisor to a number of high ranks. Her duties are inconsistent, but can be summed up as a diplomatic advisor. As any beetle, as few as there are, Empyrean is incredibly intelligent, her memory is like no other and her general knowledge is beyond a shadow of a doubt impressive. Since her duties range so much, she travels the Empire and court a lot, but she does have a permanent residence. Even with her small stature, she is one of the highest ranking gems in the court and maybe even the Empire thanks to her duties. She has a number of attendants and aides, all of which support her endlessly and bring merit to her reputation. While most gems physically look down upon her, many if not all look up to her metaphorically. Overall, Empyrean is an irreplaceable asset to the wider Empire thanks to her knowledge and scholarly duties.

Reading doesn't all have to be done in one sitting.

- Empyrean Beetle

The Sunrise Court


  • She lives in a spire similar to the canon “Sky Spire”, her’s is still a floating island and is called The Ether Spire.
  • Her and all other beetles are created on accident from leftover side products after Peridot creation has wrapped up. This may add to the reason behind their intelligence.
  • She is a very humble gem and is one of the many elites who have been able to not let the status go to their heads.
  • Her Spire’s floating island is hollow and holds a massive library which is managed by her attendants, filled with history and much more.