Purple Rabbit



2 years, 5 months ago


Purple Rabbit




designed by me

Song . Artist


basic lore

vc; lance (voltron ld)
bear with me, this stuff is from my 10yo brain from before i knew what furries were.

Purple Rabbit lives on a planet in an unidentified solar system. the fourth planet from the star is called Norquestia. It is slightly smaller than Saturn and has a solid surface. It is 60% water with 3 main continents. Norquestia was/is at war with Nuugn’onia, the 5th planet. the largest moon of the 5th planet is called Nuugn’gnor. A group of outcasts from Nuugn'onia live there, led by a very large blue dog named Kaymon.
Kaymon's armies have occupied Nuugn'onia and parts of Norquestia. Their rule is harsh and sl4ve labor is used for mining and factory production for items shipped to Nuugn'onia. Kaymon's base is on the moon while the Norquestian's base is on the continent Somntel. They heavily fortified the center of the continent and the cities inside and regularily patrol the edges.
Norquestia is inhabited by sentient furries and Nuugn'onia is inhabited by creatures who thrive by eating their own hair. The Nuugn'onian kingdom fell easily to Kaymon. Kaymon uses them to help push the offensive on Norquestia.
Purple Rabbit himself trained in the NSFA (Norquestian Space Force Academy) as an engineer and worked on new weapons to use against Kaymon's horde. he was recruited by a secret Norquestian rebel army led by a horse named Diamond. (Diamond is a code name) From there Purple Rabbit helped the rebel army take down Kaymon who fled. No one knows if he's still alive or not. The Nuugn'Nuugn sympathizers were taken as prisoners and the Nuugn'onian soverign took over again. Purple Rabbit and the rebel team were heralded as war heroes back on Norquestia.

• space/flying
• alcohol
• hanging with the few friends he has

• bugs
• water
• sunlight

• eats paper .does'nt eat a lot besides that.
• really likes technology. amateur inventor. was a pilot when he was a teenager.
• short
• hes literally 11 years old at this point, created him when i was in 1st grade.